Friday, May 1, 2015

Love and Hatred, Forgiveness and Revenge

One last major aspect of Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood is how ethics are handled when it comes to love and hatred, and revenge and forgiveness, between characters. These serve as big motivations for several important characters and are responsible for many of the arguments and fights throughout the series.

I was trying to figure out a way to identify the kind of ethics portrayed in the show, especially when it comes to how violence/justice/revenge/forgiveness is reasoned, and then I came across an article talking about situational ethics in FMA. I realized that situational ethics actually appears many times throughout the show and becomes the reasoning behind some characters' actions and morality. The series even shows how some characters use or distort situational ethics (intentionally or unintentionally) for both good and bad purposes.
Here's the link to the article below:

In FMA, there is war and bloodshed for various reasons, and there are characters that get swallowed up by their hatred, others that are driven by guilt and the desire for forgiveness, and others that have to learn about justice and to not let the drive for revenge consume them.

The ethics of revenge and violence are prominent throughout the entire series. The cause of so much pain is the number of wars and large, bloody fights that happen periodically. The war with Ishval is the biggest example of what could be seen as unjustified violence. The many innocent lives lost became just a means to an end for the military leaders of Amestris.

In class, we read through different viewpoints of whether violence is justified, and if so, in what circumstances. Yoder is a pacifist who believes violence never the answer. He asks for people to try to use reason and love instead, and if that does not work, suffer together but never raise a hand against the enemy. If you do, God will judge you, and you must remember that God will judge the person being violent to you in the afterlife.
Augustine speaks on just war and violence, and he believes in pacifism unless it is in defense of a defenseless third party. He strongly recommends attempting to use reason or any other methods first, and then resorting to violence/defense as a last resort, and even then show restraint.
Niebhur argues with realism. He justifies violence when it is used to seek peace out of love for another or love of justice. He describes the Jesus pacifism ideal that Yoder supports as an impossibility that will not solve the problem - it will only result in the violence continuing unchecked, and that when the going gets tough we need to be concerned with group self-interest (for our friends, family, country, etc.).

In FMA, we are confronted with what happens when violence and war happen without any proper cause whatsoever. There are times when people are killed by bad people just to get them out of the way and defeat them. There was no real need for those people to be killed, but they were. Those who choose pacifism (such as some of the Ishvalans), suffer under the merciless cruelty of those who seek only victory through whatever unjustified means (such as Wrath and the higher-ups in the military)

It is this merciless and unjust slaughtering of lives to win a war that begins a cycle of hatred, revenge, and guilt for many characters, such as Scar, Mustang, Hawkeye, and Marcoh.


Scar, after losing his brother and many others he cared about to the merciless slaughter by the State Alchemists, he became obsessed with hatred for Amestris and swore to kill every State Alchemist he could find.

To justify his desire for revenge, he used God's name and called transmutation a sin, despite the fact that he was using transmutation to act out his revenge. In this sense, for a while, he becomes a bit of a monstrous figure - a large, unbelievably strong and merciless figure driven by hatred and anger. He was even willing to kill Ed because he was a State Alchemist, even though Ed was still a young teenager.
He refuses to listen to his mentor when he tries to tell Scar to let go of his anger, and he ignores what everyone else says about him wrongfully using God to justify his murder spree when he doesn't have the right to cast judgement on all Amestrians and kill them.
This fits in with my earlier post about how letting our "sins" overcome us make us into monsters and take away our humanity.
That makes it all the more symbolic when he is the one that ends up fighting and defeating Wrath. Not only does he get to defeat one of the prominent homunculi behind the war and suffering of the Ishvalans, but he is finally able to metaphorically put an end to his own overwhelming "wrath".

His turning point is influenced by several key moments in the story. The first is when Ed jumps in to protect Winry from Scar, and he remembers his brother, protective and peaceful to the very end.

He is also confronted with the wrongness of his actions when Ed and the others capture him. Winry tells him she can never forgive him for killing her parents, but she refuses to hurt anybody and will help and heal others in honor of her parents. It's also during this time that he meets Miles, who instead of violence has chosen to use his Ishvalan-Amestrian experience to help Ishval and make Amestris a better place.

In the end, he realizes nothing good will be solved with the way he's going about things, so he lets his desire for revenge go and turns that drive into a determination to help his people and change Amestris for the better.

"I'm not saving your country. I'm changing it." - Scar

He is able to begin helping others and making Amestris into a better place when he helps to calm Mustang's anger and prevent him from possibly becoming a future Fuhrer of Amestris that is easily swayed from the good path by vengeance.


Mustang himself is already plagued with the guilt of killing enemies and innocents during the war with Ishval, even when he did not see the justice in it. At the time, he was driven to follow and obey, and there really was nothing he could do to stop it.
This event, despite it ruining some of his initial idealism, pushed his determination to lead the country even more, to make it a better, safer, and more equal place for everyone.
There are several moments in the anime where his ethics about justice are questioned, such as when Ed and the others thought he'd wrongfully killed Maria Ross (who was accused of killing Hughes), but he manages to stay a morally strong character up until the very end, where his friends have to step in and stop him making a potentially huge ethical mistake.

There is a difference in how his defeat of Lust is depicted compared to his defeat of Envy. When he killed Lust, he did it to save his friends from her. In that moment, she was a real and dangerous threat to all of them. Envy did a lot of horrible and unforgivable things, but when Mustang easily defeated him, he drew out his attack to make Envy suffer and wanted vengeance against Envy for killing his friend. He wasn't doing this to save anybody; he was merely satiating his desire for revenge.

This brings to light the article I mentioned at the beginning, about situational ethics. This is why there was a marked difference between Mustang's killing of Lust and his attempt to kill Envy. One was justified and supported for the moral reasons behind it, and the other makes you fear for Mustang's sanity and anger because of the immoral reasons behind it.

The link below his Ed, Scar, and Hawkeye stopping his brutal, fiery torture and killing of Envy. The important part is basically from 12:20-15:30.

"Is that what you want to be, Colonel, another monster?!" - Ed

Here we see Ed throwing the idea of becoming a monster back in Mustang's face, since he was the one who had initially said that he only feels like he isn't a monster when he's fighting true ones like the Homunculi.

Scar says he won't stop Mustang if he truly wants to, since he of all people has no right to stop someone else from taking vengeance.
"But still, I shudder to think what kind of world a man held captive by his own hate would create, once he becomes its ruler."

All three of them manage to shake him from his rage and show him that this kind of anger and revenge is not the way to go, especially for someone who plans on ruling and bringing peace and justice to an entire country.

Forgiveness and Guilt

To counteract the moments of immorality and hatred, we see moments where characters work to overcome their guilt or forgive and turn their sorrow/anger into something good for themselves and others. These are the characters that prove there is more to solving a problem and helping than blind violence or selfishness.

Marcoh, Hawkeye, Alex Armstrong, and many other characters in FMA are still filled with guilt over their actions during the war against Ishval. Marcoh, in particular, is plagued with guilt over his part in sacrificing many lives to create the Philosopher's stone, the very thing that is now being used for various dark purposes. He runs away from the military and becomes a small-town doctor to help others with their illnesses. When Scar finds him, he sets out to stop the horrible plan the Homunculi are fulfilling, to save people and fix the problem that he helped to create in an attempt at redemption.

In the case of Ed and Winry, they were able to push their beliefs against killing, and they both wanted to protect and help the people they cared about. Winry, though at first wrecked with sorrow and anger over her parents' murder, was able to overcome the lust for vengeance. Although she could not bring herself to fully forgive Scar for what he did, she helped him and decided she would use her skills to help others from then on, like her parents did until the very end. Ed even tells her that someone as kindhearted as her was meant to heal and help others, not hurt them.
Ed and Al from the very beginning are against killing others to get what you want, and they are able to uphold this value despite all the suffering and bloodshed going on around them. That is the reason they refuse to make a philosopher's stone of their own, since it would cost human lives, even though they would be able to use the stone to easily get their original bodies back.

In the end, love and forgiveness were what won out in the end. Father and the other Homunculi were willing to toss away hundreds of lives to fulfill their selfish plan, and they had no problem with hating and making humans suffer. They created many wars and fights between countries and amongst Amestrians simply in order to create enough bloodshed to feed their transmutation circle. However, in the end they were defeated by Ed, Al, and everyone else. Despite their differences, and the fact that there are some wounds that will forever be scars, everyone was able to work together to save Amestris, the people they cared about, and the entire world.
In this story, the side that pushed for understanding, forgiveness, love, and the saving/valuing of humanity was the side that won out, because those are the values that were meant to be emphasized.
The differences between everyone were able to be worked through, and love and friendship overcame the hard times and bonded many of these people together.
Even in the end, there is still a lot of unjustified damage done, a lot of sorrow and anger to overcome, and a lot left to fix and forgive, but everyone in the FMA Brotherhood series came out these challenging and difficult experiences a heck of a lot stronger. They came out these hardships with an awesome "Fullmetal heart".
And now they can use their newfound strength, care, and determination to make the world around them a better place.

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Playing God

Edward: Water: 35 Liters, carbon: 20 kilograms, ammonia: 4 Liters, lime: 1.5 kilograms, phosphorus: 800 grams, salt: 250 grams, saltpeter: 100 grams, and various other trace elements...

Rose: Huh?!

Edward: That list represents the complete chemical makeup of a human body for the average adult. It's been calculated to the last microgram, but still there has never been one reported case of successfully creating a human life. And you're telling me something modern science can't do, you can do with prayer?

Rose: Lift thy voice to God! And the prayers of the faithful shall be answered!

Edward: Did I mention all those ingredients I read off? Down at the market, a kid could buy every one of them for the spare change in his pocket. As it turns out, humans are pretty cheap.

Rose: No, that's blasphemy...! People are- We're all children of God... created in his image!

Edward: Heh. You have to understand, alchemists are scientists... We don't believe in unprovable concepts like creators or gods... We observe the physical laws that govern this world to try to learn the truth. It's ironic, really. That through the application of science, we have in many ways been given the power to play gods ourselves...

Rose: So you're putting yourself on the same level as God? That's just... sheer arrogance!

Edward: You know, there's an old myth– about a hero who flew on wings made of wax... He thought he could touch the sun, but when he got too close, his wings melted, and he came crashing back down to earth... Right Al?

In class, we read about how science and religion can conflict and relate to one another. Haught described four different responses to the conflict between science and religion: 1) Conflict - where the two are seen as irreconcilable views, and so one has to be wrong while the other is right, 2) Contrast - where the two are said to be so different in their methods that they shouldn't compete with or be used to explain/compare with each other, 3) Contact - where theology has to engage in evolution, since evolution is a gift to theology since it allows us to deepen our views of God and creation, and 4) Confirmation - where science proves the existence of God through what we might at first think of as chance events, genetic mutation, or events too unfortunate for God to have caused or let them happen.

Whichever you might believe in, in FMA the lines seem to blur a bit, in that science seems to have a very big impact on what happens throughout the story, but there's the constant reminder that people with the power of alchemy and science need to be humble and not abuse their gifts and knowledge. If they do, they make themselves or others suffer. Ed, Al, and several others pay the price for thinking they could have the power over life and death. In the Christian point of view, the ultimate authority over life and death is God only, and humans don't have any right to that authority. That is why the deep conflict between pro-choice groups and pro-life groups continues to this day.
The main thing about punishment coming to people who play God is that while some people in the real world believe that people will get what's coming to them in the afterlife, in FMA the punishment comes to them immediately and while they still have a life to live. They suffer the consequences, and they are good and alive for all of it.

This blog is going to be about the other half of the overall meaning of humanity. The previous blog showed through the Homunculi that humans have flaws alongside their good qualities. It is part of what makes them human. The important thing is to acknowledge and conquer those flaws for the better of yourself and others around you, otherwise you might end up becoming the "monster" that causes suffering for everyone involved.

In this blog, we explore how science and religion clash and mesh, and how recklessly desiring for something beyond human capability, such as immortality and the power to play God, can have dire consequences in one way or another.
We see the effects of this through Ed and Al, Father, and various other alchemists.

Alphonse: Hey, Brother, have you figured out what Teacher meant by "One is All and All is One"? I've been thinking about it this whole time, but I still only have a few vague ideas.

Edward: Well, I'm not really sure about this, but... do you remember when I was weak from hunger, and I ate those ants?

Alphonse: You ate a LOT of ants.

Edward: Mm. I sure did, and boy, did they taste nasty. But then, that got me thinking. If I hadn't eaten them, I might've died. Then I would've been eaten by them. I'd go into the earth and become grass, then the rabbits would eat that.

Alphonse: You're talking about the food chain, right?

Edward: Yeah, but... not just that, either. Long time ago, this whole island was probably at the bottom of the sea. And tens of thousands of years from now, it could be the peak of a mountain for all we know.

Alphonse: All things are connected, is that what you're saying?

Edward: Everything we see, everyone we meet, is caught up in a great unseen flow. But it's bigger than that. It's the entire world, the entire universe even. And compared to something as big as that, Al, you and I are tiny, not even the size of ants. Only one small part within a much greater flow. Nothing more than a fraction of the whole. But by putting all those "ones" together, you get one great "All", just like Teacher said. The flow of this universe follows laws of such magnitude that you and I can't even imagine them."

As shown in the first quote, Ed knows the power and potential ambition and arrogance that can come with being able to use alchemy. He's very cynical when it comes to religion, especially when people think religion will bestow miracles that cannot realistically happen. However, even he acknowledges that using alchemy, this remarkable power still a bit beyond their full comprehension, in ways they should never attempt, can only lead to disaster.
Alchemy is a natural science, and so it can't work miracles, and can't make things out of nothing. It follows the natural law of equivalent exchange. You have to give to get, and alchemy uses the world around it that already exists.
That is why Ed and Al failed to bring back their mother. You can't create something/life from nothing/death. "Some things in life can't be measured on a simple scale." Trying to do so is going beyond your capabilities and playing God, and the consequences aren't good.

Ed and Al had to learn this the hard way when they tried to bring back their mother.
The link is from a bit of FMA instead of FMA Brotherhood, but the same thing happened in both. (It is a bit gruesome, as a warning)

Equivalent exchange, the law of alchemy: To create, something of equal value must be lost. The toll they had to pay for something they couldn't even accomplish, because creating life is beyond the capabilities of alchemy, was Al's life and Ed's leg. Then, to retrieve just Al's soul, Ed had to give up his arm and bind his soul temporarily to the first and best thing he could find, a suit of armor.

They paid the price for trying Human Transmutation, something they were told to never do. Now, they have to suffer the consequences and spend the entire storyline trying to amend what they've done and preventing others from making the same mistake.
This part of what Ed was getting at when he was talking to Rose in the chapel, and why he mentioned the story of Icarus.

Even so, he continues to rely on alchemy as his source of power and maintains a bit of arrogance with his skill and abilities. He is also steadily exposed to the corruption and destruction alchemy can bring upon the world when humans use it wrongly.

-Shou Tucker sacrificed his daughter and dog to create a chimera and save his job, after already having sacrificed his wife to save his job before this.

-The war on Ishval was won by using alchemists to slaughter everyone in sight.

-Even the Philosopher's stone, the very stone Ed and Al took for a miracle, a way to cheat equivalent exchange, was made with its own form of equivalent exchange. It could grant alchemists greater power in exchange for human souls. People had to be sacrificed to make and power it. This is what Marcoh, as the creator of the Philosopher's stone, was guilty of in his earlier years, and it still haunts him to this day.

There are several other examples through the series, but these are three of the most memorable examples.

All of this exposes Ed more to the reality of the world, humanity, and humanity's capabilities and limits (and the limits of alchemy as well).
Something considered a natural science with natural laws and limits gave alchemists a sense of power and arrogance that they did not deserve, and some ended up abusing this power in some of the worst ways possible. Some, in a sense, as Ed hints at, "played God" - bringing death upon others (some casting judgement on others and claiming it their right to kill, others simply seeing others as below them), trying to create life, and striving for immortality.

Many of the higher-ups in Central's military were willing to sacrifice everyone else in Amestris just so they could be granted immortality alongside Father and the Homunculi, and so they could join the Mannequin Soldiers in taking over the world. Their desire to preserve their own lives overcame any previous desire to save the lives of the innocent. Many people ended up being sacrificed for their cause. Of course, none of them won - they were all either killed or arrested.

Father is the most prominent example. The whole reason he created the Homunculi, caused the death of many, many lives, and subtly created a giant Transmutation Circle around Amestris was so he could achieve godly power and immortality.
The link above shows how Truth condemned what Father believed and tried to do.
Although his desire for knowledge was a little admirable, he pushed it beyond what he should have, Father desired to be God, a being more perfect than humans, to know everything and be able to do everything. He found humanity and mortality disgusting and was willing to kill off all of the people of Xerxes and Amestris in order to gain enough souls for his goal. He strived to go beyond what he was and couldn't understand where he went wrong.
Ed, however, learned where Father did not. He and Al learned early on that, in the grand scheme of things, humans and every other being on Earth are minuscule and simply part of an ongoing cycle. The life and death of everything is part of the cycle. Humans are made from this universal cycle and tiny parts of this cycle even after they die. One is all and all is one.
He lost battles and failed to save people like Tucker's daughter. Even with alchemy and the military behind him, he still wasn't able to save everyone.
They then saw what humans could do, with and without alchemy, the good and the bad.
In the end, Ed was able to drop his arrogance as an alchemist, believing that it solved all his human limitations and problems, to save his brother's life. Truth told him he finally understood when he acknowledged the limits and capabilities of humans alone. When Truth asked if he was really okay with losing his alchemy since that'll lower himself to a simple human, he just grinned and replied:

"What do you mean lower myself? That's the only thing I've ever been, just a simple human that couldn't save a little girl, not even with alchemy."

In the end, we're all humans, with human limits, flaws, good qualities, and potential, and we don't need or maybe even truly deserve alchemy or the ambition/arrogance that comes with it. We should not use the natural science of alchemy to try to achieve things beyond natural science and human capabilities (such as immortality and creating life), especially at the expense of others.

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Homunculi (Sins) and Humanity

Homunculi (Sins) and Humanity

"I never feel more human than when I'm fighting real monsters." - Roy Mustang

This quote from Roy Mustang while they were in the middle of battling the Homunculi stuck with me. I found it even more interesting when I took the time to evaluate the portrayals, importance, actions, and beliefs of the seven symbolic Homunculi. Their meaning seemed to come to fruition when Hohenheim was talking to Father about sins and humans near the end.

I will dig into the other half of the overall meaning of the true nature of humanity (attempting to seek immortality and rise above what you are) in a later blog. For now, I will reflect on the part the Homunculi (the sins) played in conveying the overall truth of what it means to be human, good and bad. I'll also tie in biblical concepts we've learned in class to help evaluate their meaning.

I'll review the Homunculi, their importance, and the symbolic destruction they bring upon humanity.


"You killed me. I hate losing...but there are worse ways to die than at the hands of a man like you. I love how cold and focused your eyes are. I look the day when those eyes will be wide with agony...It's coming...It's coming..."
"Such a sad and weak creature...another typical human."

Lust is the first to be killed, although she is also one of the three main manipulators alongside Envy and Wrath. She tricks Jean Havoc into dating her to get closer to the military, keeps Gluttony wrapped around her thumb, and helps the other Homunculi to keep Ed and the others off their trail for as long as possible. She nearly succeeds in killing Mustang, Havoc, Hawkeye, and Al. Although she personally isn't given too much screen time, she's developed as a pretty, flirtatious, and manipulative character, as befitting her name. She holds the same cold contempt for humans that most of the other Homunculi do. She and Envy were behind Father Cornello's temporary control of Reole.


"Can I eat him now?"

Gluttony was one of the Homunculi that I found impossible to hate, mostly because he was all stomach and almost no brain, kinda like the pet dog of the group. He was actually kinda cute, aside from the the fact that he tried to eat everyone. He wasn't particularly malicious, nor was he in any way the brains behind the operation; all he ever thought about was eating to satiate his endless hunger and loyally following the orders of the other Homunculi like Lust and Envy. He embodied the phrase, "thinking only with your stomach". He ate anyone that the Homunculi needed to dispose of (such as Father Cornello), like their own personal garbage disposal. Without anyone to give him direction, he's shown to get frustrated and confused about what to do. His last moments were spent getting the crap beat out of him, and then Pride, in desperate need for more power, killed and ate him. Gluttony himself eaten alive in the end. Irony at its finest, isn't it?


"Are you a moron? Some nice, flowery words and feigned empathy?! You make me sick to my stomach! Are you humans always such pathetic worms?! Why can't you just listen to your gut and do what you want to? Colonel Mustang, have you forgotten? Your pal, Scar, here was going to kill you! And what's more, wasn't he the one who killed the parents of the pipsqueak's girly friend? Oh, yeah! And what about that little girl who became a chimera? Scar was responsible for her death, too! And as for you! Have you completely forgotten your hatred for they did to your Ishvalan countrymen? And then, this woman! She has the arrogance to claim the sight of a hawk; she shot your buddies left and right! You'll never get another chance! This is the perfect time! The ultimate opportunity! Hate them and weep! Kill and be killed! Fight each other! Grovel in the dirt! How could you four hope to team up? You're way beyond the point of kissing and making up! Right, pipsqueak? Right, Hawkeye? Mustang? Scar? There's no way. No. No, you can't! Never! NEVER! It's impossible! How could you? How could you do it? HOW!?"
(After) - "Damn! Dammit! Dammit! I've been humiliated! HUMILIATED! Me, Envy, Jealous of you? A human?! I'm a homunculus! How could this pipsqueak kid see through me? It's the ultimate humiliation!"
Envy was an exceptionally cruel and tragic character, and in my point of view one of the most well-done characters. He was one of the Homunculi that caused the most sadness, anger, and pain, all because of his deep feelings of horrible envy over humans. He was the one to trick both Amestris and Ishval into war by disguising himself as the soldier who killed an Ishvalan child, causing many to die in a war, many survivors to suffer the loss of their loved ones, and Scar to lose his family and swear vengeance. He took obvious and endless joy in watching humans suffer and fight amongst themselves, even more so if he caused them to become like that. Almost everything that came out of his mouth was contempt and mockery for humans. He killed Maes Hughes and then joyfully bragged about it to Mustang when he thought Mustang had mercilessly killed Maria Ross, the innocent soldier that had been accused of killing Hughes. It turns out though, that all of this cruelty was born out of a deep-seeded envy of humans and their ability to persevere, forgive, love, and work together, something he has never been able to experience with the other Homunculi. It also makes sense why he's constantly changing forms and why he created his own human shell when you see that his true form is small and ugly. He despises his real form. Mustang later calls him ugly, "because envy is an ugly thing". So, in a sense, Envy hates himself, but he refuses to admit any of this and instead desires to drag the rest of the world down with him (sometimes, as shameful and unwilling as it might be, you feel a sort of dark glee from another's failure when you're envious of his/her accomplishments). This spurs him to make humans wallow in sorrow and hatred amongst themselves. He believes Homunculi deserve to be above humans, so it's the ultimate humiliation when Ed voices his hidden envy out loud and exposes him to the one thing that humans will always have above him. Brought to tears and unable to handle the truth and humiliation slapping him right in the face, and knowing he's defeated, he ends his life, and Mustang calls him a coward for it.


"Hey... Am I dying now...? For real...? What is dying like...? Such a pain... to think about it... but such a pain... living too..."

He isn't given much screen time until the last set of episodes, but all in all, he pretty much lives up to his name. Doing anything is a pain to him, but because he's efficient and strong he's the one assigned the task of digging the transmutation circle. He's only given relief when he's defeated by the Armstrongs. When driven to, he can be surprisingly determined, but usually only because he wants to get his task over with as soon as possible so he can rest.


"Let me get this straight, you think surrendering, and offering yourself will stop the war? How arrogant. The life of each human is worth one, that's it. Nothing more, nothing less."
"God you say? Now this is intriguing, how much longer do you think your 'God' plans to wait before unleashing his fury? Just how many more thousands of lives must I take before he decides to strike me down?...(Sometime after)...Open your eyes. 'God' is nothing more than a construct created by man to inspire fear and promote order. If you wish to see me struck down, for all these atrocities, use your own hands to do so, not 'God's'."

He was one of the Homunculi I loved to hate, for his cold, calculating cruelty. Bradley was the only human strong enough to survive Wrath being put inside him, since the force of Wrath is so strong that it destroys everyone else. He led the Amestrians in their mass murder of the Ishvalans, and used threats to keep Ed and the others in line when they discovered he was a Homunculus. He ruled Amestris with an iron fist and was the cause of many deaths and near-deaths of established characters, though he obviously did not think much of it. For the most part, he didn't find any particular joy in his manipulation or murder of other people. They were just impediments to the plan that needed to be disposed of to him. While he didn't tend to show much wrath, he showed a complete mercilessness and disregard for human life, proved himself to be a very fierce and strong fighter, and did on occasion show anger over certain human behaviors and sentiments.


(Greed before Father disposed of him)
(Greed after being reborn and put into Ling's body)
"I disagree. You want to bring back someone that you've lost. You might want money. Maybe you want women. Or, you might want to protect the world. These are all common things people want. Things that their hearts desire. Greed may not be good, but it's not so bad, either. You humans think greed is just for money and power! But everyone wants something they don't have."

Greed is quite probably my favorite Homunculus, purely because of his snarky and cocky attitude, development as a character, and comical side. He was the one Homunculus that wanted nothing to do with the other Homunculi or their plan. He had his OWN plans, all of which included obtaining anything and everything he wants in the world. As the second Greed, he turns on Wrath out of anger after remembering that Wrath killed the first Greed's friends, people he considered "his". He then ends up joining Ed and the others when Ed and Ling reach out to him as allies. He decides his new goal is to defeat Father and rule the world and everyone in it (thus having everyone worship him), though Ling continually reminds him that it isn't what he truly wants. While he obviously would still like fame and riches, he finally realizes in the end that what he truly wants most of all, the one thing he is the most "greedy" for, is trust and friendship, something he was able to temporarily have with his first gang and with Ling and Ed. He saves Ling from being absorbed by Father and loses his life, giving up everything else he has for the one thing he truly wanted.


"One can be sure, in this world, humans are of little consequence."

Pride is the other character that I love to hate, because he's just so smug and selfish. He causes a lot of trouble for everyone towards the end of the story, enlisting Kimblee to start a fight and cause bloodshed at Fort Briggs to complete the transmutation circle. He is willing to do just about anything to save himself, including betraying and eating Gluttony. Despite his arrogance, he reacts with fear and desperation when he believes himself to be in danger, threatening and lashing out in any way he can to save himself. He is the first and most powerful Homunculus and the hardest to kill. He's the last Homunculus to reveal himself, safely hiding under the guise of an innocent child for a long time, and considers himself far above humans and the other Homunculi. Kimblee stops him from taking over Ed's human body when Pride thinks Ed is about to kill him and becomes desperate, saying he's a coward for being willing to give up his "pride" as a Homunculus just to survive (and survive in the body of a human, the very form that he had up until then mocked and considered beneath him). He's the only Homunculus that "survives", being reduced by Ed to an infant, his original human form (what Pride would consider a "lesser form").

Interesting Religious References

Something I noticed and took the time to look into was the potential references that were made in how the Homunculi and their deaths were depicted - ironies, symbolism, and all.
While poking around, I managed to find an interesting website of people discussing the references that the author made to Dante's Divine Comedy. It made the religious references that the author was possibly aiming for with the Homunculi (Sins) all the better and more meaningful.
Here's the link to and summation of a particular comment that I found insightful:

Gluttony being eaten by Pride - reference to Dante's Inferno, where the gluttonous are continually tortured by being eaten by Hell's guard dog Cerberus.
Lust's death from Mustang's flames - reference where the lustful are tossed about by fiery winds while in Hell and purified by passing through walls of intense flame while on the seventh terrace of Purgatory.
Roy Mustang repeatedly boiling away Envy's eyes during their fight - possible reference to the second terrace of Dante Alighieri "Purgatorio", where the envious are cleansed by having their eyelids sewn shut.
Greed's body being shared with Ling - possible reference to Canto XXV of The Inferno. Thieves are subjected to the constant loss of their bodies to the lizards that inhabit the seventh Bolgia. In life they took the substance of others, transforming it into their own, so in Hell their very bodies are constantly being taken from them and they are left to steal back a human form from some other sinner.
Sloth's pattern of never-ending activity - reference to Dante Alighieri's "Purgatorio", where the indolent are told to engage in constant activity to cleanse them of their slothful ways.
Wrath's loss of his arms - reference to the Inferno where the wrathful have their limbs ripped off the body.
Pride is the strongest of the Homunculi - of all the Seven Deadly Sins, Pride is considered the worst and most unforgivable, the father and origin of all other sins, originating from the biblical account of the Lucifer being cast down from Heaven for being too prideful towards God and becoming the ultimate evil, Satan.


After all of this, the Homunculi give you a mixed feeling of them being monsters but, to an extent, human. They consider themselves above humans, and continuously call humans weak and foolish. Mustang then makes the comment halfway through the story that it's only when he's fighting real monsters (the Homunculi) that he's able to consider himself more of a human than a monster, after all of the death and destruction he helped t cause during the Ishvalan war. And yet that's why I find it interesting when Hohenheim is later talking to Father. He ridicules Father on his attempt to rid himself of the sins that Hohenheim claims make up all humans and are an important part of being human, and that they're not something Father can simply toss out and separate himself from in an attempt to rise above humans and become more like God. He cannot simply let them run rampant and ruin the lives of those around them.

I find it ironic that Mustang claims he feels most human when fighting the very things that Hohenheim later says MAKE us human, and it made me think. Yes, Homunculi are special beings with inhuman powers and consider themselves above humans, but the way they act errs on the side of human (more severe sides), plus they're made from the strong emotions (or sins) that make up all humans. It also goes to show that too much of something (too much of one sin) will always result in suffering, for the person or for the people around that person. Each one of them contributed to the destruction or suffering of humanity in one way or another, and they all paid the price for it. Father, despite his attempt to be rid of them and rise up as a god, was torn from his pedestal and also paid the price for seeing himself as greater than what he truly was.

The Homunculi were right, in a sense, when they looked down upon the human race as weak and foolish. As sins, they were able to identify what it was that made humans weak and foolish, but they paid the price for thinking themselves above humans when, after all, they were beings made from human flaws. They paid the price for not being able to see the good that humans can do to counter the bad.

Greed was the one exception. He connected, to an extent, with the humans, and willingly sacrificed himself to save one of his friends. He's cast as a sort of anti-hero in the end, matching with what he says to Ed beforehand (his quote). When controlled, or utilized in a good or beneficial way (such as Greed realizing that what he truly desired was friends of his own), sins become the darker but natural parts of humanity that humanity can overcome and make the most of to bring about good in the world.

That might be the point then.

In class, we read in the Bible about how people had fallen because of the "hardness of their hearts", their lack of belief in and loyalty towards God, and their sinfulness. The Bible claims that Jesus died for the people's sins, so they can now have a second chance at redemption. What you seem to get from the Bible that I found interesting and comparable to FMA was that the Bible seems to claim that sins are a part of humanity; they come naturally. In Romans, Paul claims that all people are under sin, under its powerful force. There are arguments for and against that notion, of course. Some such as John Wesley say that people are innately bad and sinful and have to be taught or forced to control and redeem themselves, while others such as J. J. Rousseau say that people are "naturally good" and try to be, even if it doesn't always work out that way.

I don't think it encompasses all of our nature, but it definitely makes up at least half of it. Each person has his or her our own individual good and bad traits that he/she has to deal with.

These "sins" are part of who we are as humans. That's why I believe we as viewers are able to empathize with some of the Homunculi and their beliefs as the story progresses, as much as we might hate some of them. The sins they encompass and the emotions and beliefs they possess are emotions and beliefs we have experienced in our lifetimes as humans. We've felt the need to be proud of something we might be better at than others, the shameful envy of another person's success or happiness that is out of our grasp, the desire to possess something more than anything else (whether it be wealth, fame, or true and loyal friends). These negative emotions and desires come as naturally to us as the positive ones.

Therefore, the overall point to be made about humanity might be that we must learn to accept who and what we are as limited human beings with different potential flaws and learn to control our flaws as best as we can, to balance out or overcome them and turn them into good for ourselves and the world. Too much evil, too much wrath or pride or envy, such as in the Homunculi, turns us into "monsters" that can cause physical and mental destruction and suffering for all involved.

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Equality in Gender Roles, Races, Etc.

(Now is the first blog post of four blog posts I am going to make about various topics explored in FMA Brotherhood and how they compare to what we have been learning and discussing in class)

In FMA Brotherhood, equality and hostility are explored between races and groups. Gender roles aren't necessarily explored, but they do compare and contrast with some of the biblical readings from class. I also wanted to blog about it since we've been recently going over this kind of topic in class.

Gender Roles

In FMA, there was no distinct difference between gender roles, with men and women working many of the same jobs side by side. Despite the pre-modern era feel of this world (in which things like rotary phone booths, steam locomotives, and early model cars are just gaining headway), husbands and wives both work and raise their families, and both serve in the military, research, and medical fields.
The fact that women and men are treated as equal in the world of FMA is never confronted or brought up as a controversy. The only time differences between men and women are really brought up at all is when the Homunculus Greed (the first one) refuses to fight Izumi because he doesn't fight women. Izumi, of course, doesn't care about his reasons and proceeds to pummel his ass. Other than that, any role differences between men and women are never bothered with. The differences between men and women aren't seen as an issue in the FMA world. Everybody, for the most part, simply lives and works together, their concerns focused on other more important issues.
Such as, you know, the world ending, and all that.

Are there a majority of men in the military and in positions of power? Yes. But there are many women who are either stay at home moms or they have a job alongside their husbands. There are also many examples of women working with men in labs and in the medical fields. Winry Rockbell's parents were both doctors who helped heal soldiers indiscriminately during the Ishvalan war.

Riza Hawkeye is one of the women in the military and serves as Roy Mustang's second-in-command and his voice of reason when he lets himself get swept up in the moment. She is smart, kind-hearted, driven by guilt from the Ishvalan war like the others, very capable with a gun, and is never viewed as anything other than a great and loyal friend and soldier. She is able to keep Mustang from diverging onto a path of utter vengeance.

Winry Rockbell, despite not being much of a fighter, serves the important role of being Ed's skilled automail engineer, a source of encouragement for both of the brothers, and a great help to those in need (like her parents before her).

Izumi Curtis owns a store with her husband and is seen as a tough mentor but motherly figure for Ed and Al. She suffers from the same insecurities and guilt that many of the other characters are plagued with in FMA but still does everything she can to help those she cares about.

Olivier Armstrong is the strong and aggressive leader of Fort Briggs. Her infallible leadership has gained her the unwavering loyalty and strength of her soldiers. Her place as a woman amongst the top-ranking men in the military is never brought up or questioned, merely accepted as normal.

From Xing, Lan Fan, Ling's personal guard, travels and fights alongside Ling and her grandfather. Young May Chang, despite her childish naïveté and desire for a fairytale romance, joins forces with Scar and the others in their pursuit of immortality and protecting their newfound friends. Both girls prove their resolve and skill in battle, as do all the other women and men they fight alongside.

Ed and Al's mother never fought or proved her bravery in battle, but she showed a compassion and bravery all her own in loving and picking up the broken pieces of Hohenheim and in single-handedly caring for Ed and Al until her death after Hohenheim left. She was a great mother until the very end.

Lust, despite the claims of sexism that some make over the fact that Lust is depicted as a voluptuous woman, was a skilled fighter and merciless murderer and manipulator, just like several of the other Homunculi, who were just as - if not more - manipulative and cruel.

There are more examples, but all of these women have important roles in the story, and almost nobody in the story blinks an eye at the fact that they're women. They're more concerned with how they are as people, what they've said and done as people. The same goes for how men in FMA are treated. More focus is put on the person inside than anything they might have been born with on the outside.
It's one of the many reasons I love FMA. Equality between genders isn't debated or talked about or brought up as come kind of controversy in FMA. It's just simply shown as normal, no questions asked, no need for either gender to prove themselves or be bitter.

There are countless examples of men and women who are strong, fallible, kind, and cruel. The men make just as many mistakes as the women. There are men and women from both genders who work to save the people they care about, and just as many who have killed both the guilty and the innocent. Everyone fights, shares, and works together as humans, without much concern for things such as gender roles or differences.
Sexism is not a subject brought up in FMA, because it's really not much of a problem in FMA.
In FMA, the lines aren't nearly as distinct. Morals blur into gray as everyone works together as humanity trying to survive and figure out right from wrong.
Whether you are a man or woman doesn't matter nearly as much as what you are like as a human individual, one of the many in the world.

In class, we cover the question of gender roles and differences, the Bible's take on women, and the various interpretations from other people.
There are many interpretations of the Bible that make women out as submissive to men. Women and men are meant to be separate genders with distinct gender roles. Some churches have certain expectations of men and women and their roles in the church and in marriage.
This, of course, has led to complaints about inequality between men and women.
Even in today's society, despite the pushes for equality, there are still tensions between genders over this issue.
Some interpretations of the Bible and men and women's roles in life, such as the interpretation of Piper and Grudem in their work, claim that men and women are equal as human beings under God but require different roles when working together as one under God.

While in FMA both genders work at the same level, Piper and Grudem support male leadership and female support and submission. Men in marriage and family-raising are meant to protect and provide and set the religious and moral agenda for the family, and the women are meant to uphold and support that agenda as long as it does not go against God's intention. There is meant to be love and mutual understanding and acceptance of the differing roles, without either gender abusing their designated roles.
The reasoning for this is their interpretation of 1 Tim 2:13's interpretation of Genesis 1-2. It revolves around God's creating of separate genders, man being created first, and Eve being held responsible for the Fall because she was the one who was deceived and who had attempted to take leadership in the relationship by convincing Adam to take the fruit.
It is seen as unfavorable for a woman to take lead because of the "meaningful" result of Eve's attempt.

In negation to this, people draw numerous examples from the Bible where women have important roles that only end up helping those involved. One example is the story of Deborah, Barak, and Jael in Judges 4. Deborah served as a leader and guide to Barak with the authority of God behind her, and in the end Jael, another woman, was the one to end the life of their enemy.
Another example people use is Sarai (Sarah) in Genesis 16:1-4, who takes initiative in the matter of Abram (Abraham) needing an heir, along with her new necessary role in the Covenant alongside Abram in Genesis 17:1-17, 21:1-6.
A third example that people use is Huldah, wife of Shallum and prophetess, who Josiah's officials consulted about the fate of Jerusalem rather than going to her husband or some other man.
There are other exceptions to the argument that people such as Piper and Grudem make. People also refer to the numerous women that Paul refers to in his letter in Romans 16, asking them to be respected and relied on since they have worked with him under God, such as Phoebe (who he trusted with delivering the letter in the first place) Prisca, Aquila, Mary, and Junia (who people are now supposing might actually be a woman apostle).

Both sides have their own examples and reasoning for why they are "right", and this argument has gone on for quite some time now. Women have come a long way in being as complete or mostly equals.
This is why I appreciate FMA's take on gender roles - aka, they don't really have a "take" on gender roles. Women and men are just equal as human beings, neither needing to prove themselves to the other on anything other than their integrity as people, and that is all that matters.

Races and Groups

There is hostility between the Amestrian race and Ishvalan race, though the reason is more about religion vs science and about territory. Either way, both sides possess some lingering hostility and/or fear towards each other because of the devastation of the Ishvalan war. There are many who still see Ishvalans as dangerous, and there are Ishvalans who either hide away from normal Amestrian society or who display anger for the horrible massacre that the Amestrian military wrought on their country.

There are those such as Scar who desire revenge, while there are other who either simply wish to be left alone or who wish for peace.
We see the confrontation of these two races as the story progresses.
They have to learn to put their differences aside for the good of all of them.
During this time, we see great examples of people who couldn't care less about where you came from or what race you are as long as you're a good person or are helpful to the cause.

For a while, Ed has an evident hostility towards Scar and temporarily Miles. However, his reasons are only because Scar has killed and hurt people he knew. He surprises Miles by ignoring feelings of pity, guilt, or unfair suspicion and only acknowledging that people of Amestria have caused death and pain for the Ishvalans that didn't deserve it, and that Ishvalans such as Scar have done the same to Amestrians. While having his own biases, Ed is surprisingly perceptive and attempts to see things from both sides, claiming that he hates being ignorant.

Miles himself wants to bring about peace and equality for both countries in any way he can.
Olivier Armstrong was the one who first surprised Miles with this idea when she told him that she didn't care what he looked like or where he was from as long as he worked together with her and her men to protect Fort Briggs.
Scar later wishes to do the same as Miles in bringing Ishvalans out of exile and bringing about equality and understanding.

A less prominent example is Ling and May, two people from Xing, working to help save Amestris despite not having much of a reason to help a country that isn't theirs. Right from the beginning, they do not present any hostilities towards people from another country. During the journey, they grow close to all the people they meet in Amestris.
May is touched by the care that strangers of Amestris show her despite not having any reason to and not asking for anything in return, and this spurs her determination to help save them from Father.
While also driven by Greed and his search for the philosopher's stone, he makes friends with the others and does whatever he can to help them in their fights.

Even Greed, despite all Homunculi seeming to have a particular hatred or prejudice towards humans, eventually throws away his prejudices and his life as a Homunculus in order to protect the humans that he has come to understand and care for.

Unlike gender differences, differences and prejudices between races and groups are explored a bit in FMA. Spurred on by the Homunculi as a part of their grand plan, hostilities grew between territories until war erupted, and then the hostilities lingered long after.
We get to see the beginnings of an attempt at moving beyond those past dark times and present anger, one person at a time.
There are no hostilities or prejudices between genders. However, the differences and tension between countries and groups is made evident from the start, since it's because of those differences that war broke out and that now people are suffering for it.
Hostility and prejudice are given a very negative light in FMA as our characters fight or work to resolve the problems between them until either peace is found or someone dies because they are unable to move past it.
It is obvious that FMA's message, alongside the exploration of morality and humanity, is that we as humans need equality, peace, and understanding between each other, otherwise we will drown in our animosity and discrimination. However, as shown by the fighting between humans and Homunculi, sometimes agreements can't be found, one side is driven by cruelty, and lives are on the line, and peace simple cannot be found. You must then do what you can to protect those you care about and those who are on your side.
Every side has their reasons for what they do and why they believe they are right.

"One is all, and all is one." We're all human individuals, little beings in a great and ongoing cycle that renders us all equal in the end.
Sometimes, as in the case of Amestris, Ishval, and Xing, peace, understanding, and equality can be found amongst the differences and tension.
And sometimes, as in the case of men and women in FMA, the equality is there from the beginning without question, like it should be.

Friday, March 6, 2015

FMA Brotherhood Episodes 41-64

Time for FMA to come to an awesome close!
Spoilers galore!!!

Episodes 41-45

Episode 41 starts with Scar, Winry, May, Yoki, Marcoh, and Jerso and Zampano continuing through the mines.
At Fort Briggs, Miles tells his men to take out Kimblee and his men when they get the chance, despite Ed's reluctance to kill. 
In the mines, the group takes some time to decipher some of the notes. When Scar is able to translate two words related to immortality and gold, May realizes his brother was also studying Xingese alkahestry. She says her country learned its alkahestry from the Western Sage who had golden hair and eyes, and Winry notes that it sounds a lot like Ed and Al (hmmmmm).
When they exit the mines, Winry hears a voice and sees Al's armored foot sticking out of the snow, and they dig him out. Al tells them he was sent to tell them that they can't hide out in Briggs since it's been taken over by Central soldiers. Scar suggests Asbec, a small town of Ishvalan refugees.
Meanwhile, Al has been replaced with a dummy suit of armor that Ed made, controlled by one of Miles's men from inside. Miles gets wind that Kimblee is suspicious of them, so he gets his snipers into position. Before they can get a shot, Ed intervenes by going up to Kimblee, hoping to be able to talk it out with him. Kimblee, however, reveals that he figures Scar's group is somewhere in the mines and that the Briggs soldiers are likely trying to kill him right then. Kimblee then uses his alchemy on the snow to create mist. Heinkel and Darius then attack Ed in their chimera forms (Heinkel is a lion and Darius is a gorilla). Kimblee finds the footprints of the group and goes down to follow them.

Ed then tricks them and transmutes ammonia with the cold temperature, knocking them unconscious because of their strong senses of smell. Ed then catches up to Kimblee, knocks away his philosopher's stone, and then slashes his hand so he can't transmute (since Kimblee's transmutation circles are tattooed onto the palms of his hands). However, Kimblee reveals he has another philosopher's stone, and causes an explosion that buries Ed and Heinkel and Darius in the remains of the lookout tower above.

Ed wakes up, sees Heinkel and Darius awake but trapped and angry about being left behind, and then suffers from pain only to realize that he's been run through on the side by a sharp metal girder, and he's bleeding out badly.

Meanwhile, Al collapses and feels his soul being dragged out of the armor again.

Ed desperately uses alchemy to remove the girder and free Heinkel and Darius, and then he passes out. Ed later needs them to remove the rest of the girder, and then he'll use alchemy to temporarily close the wound so he won't lose too much blood. He reveals that he learned some medical alchemy, and that he'll sacrifice some of his life-force to fix the badly damaged organs that normal alchemy on its own wouldn't be able to fix, even though it'll shorten his life a little. He suffers through the agony and succeeds before passing out again. Heinkel notices and picks up the philosopher's stone that Ed got away from Kimblee, and then they decide to become free men and carry Ed out to get a doctor's help.

Episode 42 starts off with Scar's group in an abandoned house with May, Marcoh, and Scar trying to decipher the notes. Al wakes up and discovers he's in pieces, because he was too heavy for them to carry in one piece. May comes up with the idea to disassemble the pages of the notes as they try to put Al back together. She recognizes some patterns and draws lines, and it's revealed that Scar's brother discovered that a giant transmutation circle was being made around Amestris.

Al tells them that the notes might hold even more secrets. Yoki sneezes, mixing up the pages, and this inspires Al to tell everyone to turn the pages over. They discover a new array with some properties of the Amestris circle but made out of alkahestric concepts instead.

In the mines, Kimblee comes across Sloth, and then Pride confronts him and tells him to stop searching for Scar and focus on creating bloodshed at Fort Briggs so they'll have that part of the transmutation circle completed.
Meanwhile, Falman, Breda, and Fuery and trading information about the nationwide five-point transmutation circle at the same time that Sloth finally completes the construction of the circle underground.
In Reole, people are working to fix the city after the fighting outbreak, and Rose (from one of the first episodes) is cooking and serving people food. She finds a collapsed and hungry Hohenheim.

They talk about the remains of the church of Leto. The basement has been blocked off because a toxic spring. Hohenheim has Rose and an old man escort him down there, and transmutes a bridge made of earth as he walks over the toxic water deeper into the tunnel. He is then assaulted by Pride and has to flee until he reaches the tunnel's border, and Pride's shadow creature can only move about in Central City and in the confines of the tunnel, so he's unable to reach Hohenheim. They trade some remarks, and Hohenheim says that Pride's shadowy image with eyes and teeth remind him of Father's original form inside the flask.

Hohenheim assures him that he'll be visiting Father soon, and then returns to Rose and the old man. He tells them he had gone down there to make a declaration of war.
At Fort Briggs, the soldiers notice that Drachma forces have shown up at the border on the offensive. It's discovered (shown to the audience) that Kimblee is behind it all, telling the Drachma commander that Armstrong is away and now is the perfect time to attack.

Meanwhile, Zampano contacts Envy and Wrath from Asbeck to tell them where Marcoh is.

Episode 43 was a very interesting episode. Drachma forces launch an attack on Fort Briggs, and Fort Briggs retaliates and overpowers them. The Drachma commander realizes Kimblee tricked him about their forces, and now Kimblee has left, and Drachma is defeated in bloodshed despite Miles's attempt to stop it. The Crest of Blood has been carved.

In Asbec, Zampano meets with Envy disguised as an Ishvalan to be led to Scar.
In Central, Bradley tells Hawkeye that he knows she knows about Selim being Pride. Hawkeye admits that she's sad that the ruling family of Amestris has been a lie this whole time, pretending to be human while mocking them. Bradley admits that most of what he has was given to him by a higher power, but he chose his wife himself.
Back in Asbec, Marcoh is with Jerso, and Zampano arrives with Envy, who sheds his disguise to capture Marcoh. However, Envy is surprised by being caught in an alchemy trap with ice. It's revealed that they lured Envy here with traps that trigger only for Homunculi. Envy continues to get attacked by traps, without knowing that May is actually using her alkahestry with transmutation circles beneath the snow.

Furious and embarrassed, Envy transforms into his giant form and tries to crush Marcoh with his tail, but Jerso saves Marcoh, and Zampano attacks his eye. Everyone joins in, but Envy manages to get a hold of Marcoh.

He tells Marcoh he'll destroy Asbec for this, but Marcoh says that while he knows how to create a philosopher's stone better than anyone, he also knows how to destroy them. Using a hidden transmutation circle on his hand, Marcoh attacks Envy's philosopher's stone. Envy's body withers and disintegrates into a small, green, slug-like thing, his REAL form.

They keep Envy in a glass jar and try to get information out of him. He reveals that Ed had gone missing because of the cave-in in Baschool, which greatly worries Al. Scar sets out on his own to search for something to help Amestris, along with Marcoh. Al travels to Reole, and Scar gives May Envy to take back to Xing since it'll save her clan.
In Dublith, Bido (the last survivor of the old Greed's gang) has noticed that Izumi Curtis and her husband have left. He comes across two soldiers that are searching for them, and they mention Bradley, and Bido recognizes him as the one who took down Greed. He hides under their cars as they head back to Central in the hopes of finding Greed.
Meanwhile in Central, Olivier Armstrong meets and argues with her brother Alex Armstrong, and they share information about the transmutation circle. She meets up with Lt. General Gardner, who takes her to a secret room while talking about the three restrictions for State Alchemists and why they exist: 1) obeying the military is an absolute, 2) No creating of gold so as to not create financial disorder, and 3) No creating of humans. He claims that the third rule is to prevent anyone from creating their own personal army, and then he reveals to her their secret army of Mannequin Soldiers that they've created.

In Reole, Al arrives with Winry, Yoki, Jerso, and Zampano and runs into his father Hohenheim.

Episode 44 starts with Al and Hohenheim's reunion. Hohenheim is happy to see Al but is busy at the moment. Al is told that the people of Reole are happy in the end about Cornello's exposure as a fake, and they're working hard to come together and rebuild their town. The workers ask Hohenheim if Al is his son, and he says that he lost that right some time ago, only for Al to happily come over and help him. Rose and Winry talk about how Ed and Al have really helped Reole.
In Central, Bido comes across the room with the Mannequin Soldiers and is scared by them but then forced to hide when Armstrong and Gardner appear. He overhears Garder telling her that this army will serve as the immortal legion since human souls have been bonded to them. They'll get more souls from the land they destroy and the lands they will eventually destroy.
Bido runs away but bumps into the new Greed.
Back in Reole, Al and Hohenheim go somewhere more private to talk. Al tells him about Father and everything else, and Hohenheim is grateful that Al trusts him.

In North City, Darius is seen at a bank using Ed's pocketwatch to withdraw money as a "representative". The bank manager calls the military about this after he leaves. Darius gives the money to the doctor they've found to pay for Ed's medical expenses and to keep them quiet. Heinkel notices the military searching around. 3 of them show up, and Heinkel pretends to be a patient. Darius also tries to pretend, but they recognize him from the bank. Outside, Ed is returning with food and the soldiers don't recognize him since he's not wearing his red coat and his hair is down. Ed easily defeats all of them, angered when they call him short. More soldiers show up, so Darius and Heinkel pretend they're kidnapping Ed, and they escape in a car with the military in pursuit.

Ed has them turn into a random street and then uses alchemy to disguise the car (making it look absolutely ridiculous). They make it outside of town, and Ed wonders where Al could be.
Back in Reole, Al has been told that his father was once a slave and is a living philosopher's stone. Hohenheim says he'd come to hate immortality because he has to watch everyone he loves die before him. He says Father is like a leatherbag modeled after him, and they need to defeat him. Hohenheim says they still have time before the "Promised Day" arrives.
In Central, Bido is attacked and cornered by Greed. He recognizes Greed because of his Ultimate Shield technique and behavior, and he tries to remind Greed that he's his friend. Greed suddenly cuts through Bido's chest while saying that he'd thinking of the old Greed. However, this triggers a memory of his other old friends and that they were killed, and Ling yells at him for killing his own friend, telling him that those memories are still important and that friends are always connected by their souls.

The episode ends with Mrs. Bradley hearing a noise, and then Greed rushes in and attacks Bradley in a rage.

Episode 45 continues with Greed's attack on Bradley, demanding to know about these images and emotions from his past and why he remembers Bradley attacking him and killing his old friends. Bradley becomes furious and overpowers Greed, forcing Greed to defend himself and flee out an the window.
The next day, Olivier Armstrong visits her father, advising him to retire and pick as the head of the household. He claims he was going to pick Alex, which she argues against. Olivier fights Alex for the position and beats him down.

May, on her way to Xing, hesitates, especially when she's treated well by strangers in Amestris. Envy takes advantage of her hesitation by saying that the true source of his power is back in Central City, so she heads there.
Meanwhile, Ed, Heinkel, and Darius arrive in one of Mustang's abandoned safehouses, since Ed thought Al would be there. Suddenly, a starving Greed approaches, having been taken over temporarily by Ling. Ed explains the situation, and Ling tells him about Greed's fight with Bradley. Ling feels Greed returning and quickly tells Ed that Father intends to open the Gate during the "Promised Day", and Ed and Al could use the Gate to get their bodies back.

Greed regains control and then starts to leave, setting out on his own since he won't associate himself with the other Homunculi anymore. Ed asks him to join them, and it reminds Greed of his friends back then, but he refuses. Ed then declares that he, Heinkel, and Darius will follow him as his henchmen if he'd rather be the boss, and Greed is surprised but happily accepts.
In Dublith, word gets to Izumi and her husband from Al about the "Promised Day", and so Izumi attacks a Briggs soldier in order to be taken in and be able to relay the message to Miles and Captain Buccaneer.
The message is covertly slipped to 2nd Lt. Rebecca Catalina, who asks for time off to visit her friend Hawkeye in Central. They meet up and talk, and before leaving she secretly slips a note into Hawkeye's dog's collar. She sees the note and goes to visit Havoc in the hospital. She talks to him and gives him a pack of cigarettes, and he notices the note slipped in amongst them.

After she leaves, Mustang is revealed to have been hiding in the other bed behind the curtain, and Havoc insists on Mustang taking a cigarette, so Mustang sees the note that informs him about the "Promised Day" that will occur in the spring of the coming year and that the north and east will begin their attack to defend Amestris when that time comes.
The episode ends with everyone beginning to prepare for the "Promised Day".

Episodes 46-50

Episode 46 is several months later. A train arrives in Resembool with Miles and his men. Two soldiers carry away water container that actually has Winry, so they can sneak her into her house. She goes upstairs to change clothes but gets surprised by Ed hiding there with Greed, Heinkel, and Darius. Everyone gets hilariously surprised.
Here's a quick video of it...

(That "caught" face though...)

 She later tells him that Al is aboard the train, but Ed has to stay hidden and can't go see him. They talk about recent and upcoming events, and she refuses to leave the country like Ed wants her to. Later, Ed and his friends leave, and he promises Winry that they will win.
In Reole, Scar and Marcoh are back and are headed to Central City, and Zampano, Jerso, and Yoki tag along. They're met in the forest by a large group of Ishvalans that are going to help.
In the East, Lt. General Grumman meets with Miles and the Northern troups, who have finally arrived for a joint training exercise with the Eastern soldiers. Miles secretly lets him know that things are in place, but they note that Bradley is there to watch over the exercise. Grumman hints at a plan, however.
In Central, Al wakes up from another random separation from his armored body. He goes out to investigate a noise but is attacked by Gluttony and Pride, and is caught by Pride's tendrils and told that he'll be kept complacent until the Promised Day.

Mustang visits Olivier Armstrong in the family mansion, and he offers her a bouquet of flowers with a hidden message about Selim Bradley's true identity as Pride.
The training exercise in the East begins, with Bradley carefully watching. Miles is told that Al has gone missing. Bradley's men talk to Major General Hakuro, who tells Bradley that he's discovered a plot by Grumman and explains that the training was just a decoy to lure Bradley out of the capital while Grumman, Mustang, and Ishvalans cause confusion and take control of Central Command.

Bradley leaves for the capital on the train, but on the way his train car is suddenly left behind on a bridge and blown to bits by explosives. Eastern soldiers watching overhead report that it was a success. In Central, Hawkeye, Breda, and Fuery prepare for battle.
The Generals in Central begin panicking over the reports of Bradley's assassination, but then Father appears with Sloth and reminds them that he's still there to insure everything continues.

Episode 47 has Ed and his group arriving in the town of Kanama and meeting up with Hohenheim, only to punch Hohenheim and send him flying as soon as he sees him.

They talk and Hohenheim tells them the whole story about his origins. He also explains that on the Promised Day, an eclipse will happen, which is part of Father's plan. Ed, before leaving, delivers Trisha's dying message of apology for breaking her promise and dying first, and he sees Hohenheim break into tears.

As they're leaving, they suddenly meet Al, and Ling takes over briefly to tell Ed to stay away. Pride emerges from Al's body and attacks them.

Meanwhile, at the site of the train crash, Grumman talks with Miles about how Bradley's body is still missing, and Grumman knows he can't return to Central right now and has to wait for Mustang or Oliver Armstrong to make their move.
Back with the fight between Pride and Ed's group, Pride reveals he is possessing Al's hollow body and decides to take out Greed first. Ed uses a transmutation to create a blackout in Kanama that cuts off all of Pride's light sources, so he can use the shadows. However, now Ed can't see. Greed suspects that Pride real body/container (Selim) is hiding out somewhere nearby, and Heinkel tracks him down and begins attacking. Greed also wonders how Pride tracked them down, until Gluttony appears and he realizes Pride used Gluttony's strong sense of smell. Gluttony also uses his sense of smell to see.

(Ed is accidentally punched in the crossfire)

As they fight, Ling convinces Greed to switch control with him since he has the ability to sense the Qi of the Homunculi. Ling takes control and beats Gluttony down. Before Gluttony can fight back, a mysterious figure rushes out and strikes him with a metallic arm with a blade. Ling happily identifies her as Lan Fan, with a new automail arm.

Episode 48 continues with Lan Fan attacking Gluttony with Ling. Fu also arrives and helps Ed, and Ed is concerned that Lan Fan is using her arm after only having it for 6 months while Lan Fan sets off an explosive on Gluttony to damage him. They know they're in a hurry to beat Pride since the people of Kanama are starting to get the lights back on.
Meanwhile, Mustang is talking with Madame Christmas at her bar, and she gives him photos from 20-50 years ago that prove Selim isn't human and tells him that nobody from Bradley's supposed hometown actually saw him, and he has no actual relatives.

Heinkel continues attacking Pride's real body (Selim), but it's tiring him out, and two people from Kanama appear with a lantern that gives Pride the light source he needs. He knocks the lantern away and causes a fire. Ed arrives to help Heinkel.
Back in Central, soldiers are gathering outside Madame Christmas's bar, waiting for Mustang to leave. Another soldier arrives and reveals that Madame Christmas's real name is actually Chris Mustang, and she's Mustang's foster mother. They try to enter, but the building explodes. It's revealed that the two escaped into the sewer, and Mustang promises her that he'll help her get a new bar. She goes into hiding, and the girls that work for her have left the country. Mustang leaves and meets with Breda, Fuery, and Hawkeye. He explains the train explosion to them, and tells them they will continue on no matter what so they can win and rebuild their nation.
Meanwhile, Ed is able to defend himself against Pride with his automail arm since he had kept the northern carbon fiber metallic design. Pride tries to use Al, but Fu uses a flash grenade to break apart Pride's shadow and free Al.

Gluttony is getting badly defeated by Ling and Lan Fan, and he can only run away until he notices the flash grenade and goes to it. Gluttony arrives, and Pride notes that both Ling and Lan Fan can sense their Qi and that both his and Gluttony's philosopher's stones have been heavily drained. So, he makes a quick decision and kills and devours Gluttony, taking Gluttony's philosopher's stone and sense of smell. Pride can sense that Hohenheim is near.

In Central, the Generals tell Father that Mustang and his people are most likely responsible for the train explosion. Olivier Armstrong suggests that Mustang will most likely go after Mrs. Bradley as a hostage, but Father doesn't think so since he thinks she's useless as a hostage. At that same moment, Mustang finds Mrs. Bradley and tells her she needs to come with him and promises she won't be hurt.

Episode 49 starts with Hohenheim trying to wake Al up as Pride attacks Ed and keeps Ling and Lan Fan at bay.

Greed regains control, and Lan Fan's automail is malfunctioning, and Ed has to save her from being killed. Al finally wakes up, and Hohenheim tells him that the Homunculi are supposed to be clones of his clone (Father), so Pride is able to genetically suppress Al's blood rune. Fu and Heinkel come over to them and Fu suggest they use a new tactic, so Al gets and idea and needs Hohenheim's help. While Pride is trying to devour Greed, Hohenheim interferes until Al goes for Pride from behind. Pride spots him and grabs Al and taunts him. Hohenheim then reveals their trick by using a powerful transmutation to pull up the ground and form a giant dome around Al and Pride where all light sources are cut off, and Pride is trapped and helpless. Al intends for them to stay in there while the others head to Central since they were having a lot of trouble defeating Pride.

Elsewhere, Greed has run off and reflects on how the other Homunculi are dead and Pride is contained, and that leaves Father and Sloth. He reveals his intent to conquer Central and the country to Ling.
In Central, a group of homeless men encounter Scar and his group. The group learns May hasn't returned to Xing and they learn about the train explosion. Elsewhere, Kimblee has killed a group of Ishvalans.
In the dome, Al talks with Pride and warns him not to underestimate humans. He claims their plan is flawed since their sacrifices could have easily fled the country, but Pride says that while some humans would do that, there are people like his adopted mother who actually cared for and protected him, and people like Ed, Al, and the other sacrifices would not flee from protecting their loved ones.
Scar's group meets back up with Ed's group. Fu leaves for Central alone since he's the only one the enemy won't recognize, can inform them about Mustang's movements, and he can locate Ling.
The Promised Day has started.

Mustang attacks Sector C-5 with Mrs. Bradley as a hostage. Central Command is informed of this, but Brig. General Clemin orders for everyone but Mustang to be killed, even if Mrs. Bradley has to be killed. Mrs. Bradley gets upset when she learns from soldiers coming after them that she's expendable to them.

Episode 50 is a really cool episode. Mustang and everyone else begin to cause utter confusion in Central and get the people on their side. They are holding up in a building, surrounded by Central soldiers. Mustang assures Mrs. Bradley that he won't let anyone hurt her and that they aren't the ones in the wrong. They retreat from the area, with Mustang using his Flame Alchemy to clear a path, but Mustang and his group are noticeably not killing anyone, only injuring.
In the Central Command conference room, Olivier Armstrong taunts them by saying the Central soldiers are too soft for not being able to take Mustang down. She suggests that she be put in charge of the soldiers, but they oppose the idea. At the moment, Captain Buccaneer tells his men that it's time to move in on the Central soldiers. An alarm sets off, and Olivier asks Lt. General Gardner if he thinks her men will be a match for the Mannequin Soldiers as the Briggs soldiers overwhelm the Central soldiers.
Meanwhile, Mustang explains that the Briggs soldiers had been hiding inside the Armstrong family mansion (which explains why Olivier was so dead set on taking over the household). Outside, a big ice cream truck speeds in and takes out some Central City soldiers, revealing Rebecca Cataline with tons of new weapons and ammunition for Mustang's group.

Mustang also sees that Maria Ross is the one driving, having returned from her escape to Xing to help them out.

Mustang gets in touch with someone on a phone line, who is revealed to be Havoc, who was the one who sent them the weapons from his family's secret weapons trade.

Outside Central, Ed and the others notice everything has begun in the city. Hohenheim says they should try to prevent the giant transmutation circle from being activated and destroy Father's vessel to free the Xerxesian souls trapped in his body. Scar suggests the underground tunnel they had found before. Yoki, the injured Heinkel, and Marcoh stay behind. Ed says goodbye to Al, and Pride is shown sitting and tapping away on Al's helmet with a stick.

May hurries past everything going on in the city with Envy in the jar and enters the tunnel.
In Central Command, Olivier is ordered to call off the Briggs soldiers, but she mockingly says that her authority has been taken by Bradley. She then draws her sword and stabs one of the generals, mocking them further for sitting on the sidelines and watching everyone else get hurt and killed. She then take the killed general's gun and shoots Gardner, taking the remaining general hostage.
On the streets of Central, Alex Armstrong has been ordered to secure the fighting areas. Fu, hiding in the crowd, overhears soldiers telling Alex that his sister has taken a general hostage. Fu is having trouble locating Greed because of the huge flow of energy underground. Meanwhile, Father is spreading his influence out over a greater area and locks onto Pride tapping on Al's helmet.
Ed and his group see that the tunnel entrance has now been blocked by soldiers, so they use the alternate Lab 3 entrance. They go separate ways, with Hohenheim and Lan Fan going in the opposite direction of the others. Hohenheim, once far enough away, tells Lan Fan that she's free to go search for Ling, and she does so gratefully.
Meanwhile, one of the generals goes to the room with the Mannequin Soldiers and, despite the scientists protests activates all of them to deal with Mustang and his group. They all open their eyes and let out a wave of shrieks that echo throughout the building.

Episodes 51-56

Episode 51 is a bit all over the place. It begins with the Mannequin Soldiers being released, and then they kill the general and scientist and move on.
Ed's group arrives in the white room with the giant door where Lust had been killed. Suddenly, the door opens, and the Mannequin Soldiers swarm out.

In Central Command, Olivier Armstrong is walking with her hostage and demands that he withdraw the troops that are facing Mustang and the Briggs soldiers. A group of soldiers appear and draw their guns, but she holds them off by threatening to kill the general. The general then tells them to close up Central's gates so Mustang and Briggs soldiers can't get in at the risk of his life. Olivier then notices and moves out of the way as Sloth appears and crushes the general. Sloth has arrived to kill Olivier.

Meanwhile, Ed and the others are fighting the Mannequin Soldiers, and Ed is reminded of the many faces of the trapped souls on Envy's monster-form's neck and realizes these soldiers have human souls in them. Scar tells them that they can't allow these soldiers to get out.

On the street, citizens talk about the chaos and how they heard Mustang was staging a coup.
Back underground, Ed seals the door to the outside so the soldiers can't get in and they're trapped in with them.
Outside again, the Briggs soldiers continue to fight. Mustang learns that they will recognize the ice cream truck, so he has to come up with another way of getting around.
Back with Al, Heinkel is outside the dome and hears the sound of Pride tapping Al's helmet, and then he realizes that Pride has been tapping morse code to Father all this time and hurriedly tells Al to stop him. It's too late, though, and Kimblee appears and attacks the dome so there's a hole in it. Pride escapes and thanks Kimblee.

Underneath Central, May is running through the sewers, chased by Mannequin Soldiers. May stops to fight them, but then drops Envy's jar and sets him free. He is eaten by one of the soldiers but takes control of the body and absorbs all the other soldiers into him to regain his body.

At Kanama, the military have taken control there, and Marcoh and Yoki think their location has been found out, and Marcoh wants to go help the others.
Returning to Al's situation, Pride tells Kimblee of how he absorbed Gluttony. Al tries to help a still-injured Heinkel but is caught by Pride's shadow tendrils, but he uses alchemy to throw up a dust smokescreen. Pride pulls what he thinks is Al to him, only to discover that Al has severed his armored feet from his body.

Back in Central Command, Olivier avoids the Sloth's chains. Some soldiers arrive to take her into custody, but Sloth's chain takes them out. She's then caught by Sloth's hands, but Alex suddenly arrives before she can be crushed and knocks Sloth back with a punch. Olivier's arm is injured and she tells Alex that their enemy is a Homunculus, so Alex claims he'll fight it.

(You glorious Sir)

Back again to Al, he's trying to get away with Heinkel despite barely being able to move with his feet gone. Heinkel then remembers he has a philosopher's stone from when he found it in the mine and offers it to Al. Al recognizes that he needs it to save them and protect the world and those he cares about. Kimblee and Pride then watch a philosopher's stone reaction, and then Al emerges from the dust with repaired feet.

Episode 52 continues with Al beginning his attack on Kimblee and Pride, using the philosopher's stone to fix any damage they do to his armor. Al manages to trap Pride, only to have Kimblee break him out again, but then Al uses a flash bomb from Fu to destroy Pride's shadow and trap him again. Kimblee then reveals to Al the extra philosopher's stone in his mouth.
Meanwhile, Alex is fighting Sloth but having a hard time. Olivier attacks him and discovers that his weakness is under his tough skin. Two more soldiers arrive to take Olivier in, but then Sloth kills then and cuts Olivier's arm with surprising super speed, revealing himself as the fastest (but still clumsy) Homunculus. Alex gets hit in the face.
Back to Al's fight, Pride breaks out again, and Al is hiding in the dust smokescreen. Pride uses his new sense of smell and catches Al, but Al reminds Pride again not to underestimate humans as Pride realizes the dust is meant to block his sense of smell. Heinkel, in his lion chimera form, attacks Kimblee from behind and deeply bits his neck. Kimblee then sees Marcoh off to the side with a philosopher's stone and realizes he had arrived and used it and his medical alchemy expertise to heal Heinkel.

In Central, Mustang fixes their problem by using alchemy to change the ice cream logo on the truck into a meat packager logo. They drive through town and decide to take a more covert way into Central Command. In the white room, Ed and the others are still fighting the Mannequin Soldiers.

Inside Central Command, Alex has stopped Sloth's attack on Olivier but gets his arm dislocated because of it. Sloth attacks again, and Olivier is knocked unconscious.

Meanwhile, Pride tries to harm Heinkel, but he uses Kimblee's body as a shield and Pride hesitates. He then tries to kill Marcoh, but Yoki suddenly arrives in a jeep and knocks Pride down. Everybody goes to the jeep, leaving Kimblee with Pride before getting in and heading off towards Central. Pride claims that it won't make a difference and goes over to Kimblee, noting that Heinkel crushed his windpipe. He mockingly says that since Kimblee had wanted to see what the world would become, he greedily absorbs Kimblee into him so Kimblee can live inside him.
Back in Central, Olivier wakes up to see that Alex has transmuted a giant spike through Sloth's mouth and out the back of his head to hold him back. Sloth still regenerates, and then the door opens to reveal soldiers being attacked by Mannequin Soldiers. Olivier tells them all that they likely came from their surperiors, and their superiors didn't care about letting them know about this. She asks one of the soldiers if he still intends to kill her, which would only result in them being killed by the Mannequin Soldiers and Sloth, or if they'll let her and Alex ensure they survive.
Back underground, May continues to evade Envy, and more Mannequin Soldiers show up, and May uses the large number to flee.
In the white room, Ed is pinned down and about to be attacked, when suddenly the wall is destroyed, saving Ed and revealing Mustang and some of his group.

Episode 53 starts with rumors spreading around Central about Mustang's coup. The people then hear the radio broadcast of a live interview with Mrs. Bradley and some of Mustang's group that have holed up in the studio and supposedly taken the news crew hostage. Mrs. Bradley says that Mustang protected her when the Central soldiers showed they would willingly kill her. In another room, Fuery and Ross discuss how Mrs. Bradley is still unaware of her family's true identities, and then Breda steps up to the mic to tell everyone that someone has bombed the Fuhrer's train and that Bradley is missing now. He lies and says Mustang had gotten wind of of Command's plot to take over now that Bradley was presumed dead and acted out in support of Bradley to stop Command. Brigadier General Clemin hears the radio announcement and furiously calls the station to order them to shut down the broadcast. While the other radio station workers smother their laughter, the station master pretends to still be held hostage and then pretends to be beat up and hangs up the phone.

Ross also delivers a short speech in support of Mustang and justice, knowing that the people will perk up at the mention of justice. Meanwhile, the Briggs tank that had been smuggled into the Armstrong's mansion with the soldiers begins firing away at Central Command.

Underground, seeing that they need help, Mustang sets loose a wave of flames that scorches them in one go. Above them, May is still fleeing from Envy, and their fighting causes their part of the tunnel to collapse and land them in the white room with everyone else. Envy sees everyone together and taunt Scar for working with the State Alchemists since he enjoys humans fighting amongst each other, but they don't listen to him. Mustang, knowing of Envy's shape-shifting abilities, asks him who killed Hughes. Envy tries to keep pinning it on Ross, but Mustang reveals to Envy that he knows Ross didn't do it. Envy laughs and then tells Mustang he finally tracked down his culprit. Mustang is skeptical, so Envy gleefully transforms into Hughes's wife to show him how he tricked Hughes. Roy is shocked, and then he becomes enraged, prepares his gloves, and then claims he'll start by burning Envy's tongue.

Roy's face is now warped with rage (pretty scary), and he tells the others to go on without him. When Envy tries to stop them, Mustang scorches his tongue mid-sentence.

Ed is worried, even though Hawkeye will be staying with Mustang, but they all go past into the tunnel beyond the door towards Father's inner sanctum. While traveling through, Ed remarks that it's not Mustang's safety he was worrying about. Envy transforms into his giant form, but then Mustang just incinerates his eyes and sets fire to his body. Knowing he's in trouble, Envy knocks rubble at Mustang and uses the distraction to flee beyond the doors. Mustang, desperate for revenge, chases after him and tells Hawkeye to wait there.
As they continues to move forward, Ed is still worried and glances at Scar, who says he knows what it's like to be consumed with rage and knows Mustang is headed down a dark path if he lets it get a hold of him like this.
Envy continues to desperately flee in terror, getting burnt and screaming in pain whenever Mustang catches up. He hides and then approaches Mustang as Hughes to shock him and give him a chance to attack, but Mustang doesn't hesitate to scorch him even more since he's accepted that Hughes is dead and is now even angrier at Envy for using that form. In the white room, Hawkeye is worried by the sounds of their fighting and enters. Envy, badly burned, escapes into a pit, and Mustang has to find him again. As Envy is hiding, he sees Hawkeye wandering around and gets an idea. Soon after, Hawkeye and Mustang bump into each other and lower their weapons. They walk together until Hawkeye suddenly raises her gun at the back of Mustang's head, and you're left wondering which person is Envy.

Episode 54 starts off with a flashback after the Ishvalan Civil War is over. Mustang finds Hawkeye making a grave for an Ishvalan child, haunted by what they've done. She claims there is no way she can atone for her sins and knows that she had  entrusted the research her father tattooed onto her back to Mustang, but then he had gone on to use it to massacre people in war. She tells Mustang to use his Flame Alchemy to burn her back and destroy the notes so there can never be another Flame Alchemist. Reluctantly, Mustang agrees so she'll be freed from the burden her father put on her.

Back in the present, Hawkeye has her gun pointed at Mustang. Mustang asks what she's doing, and she smirks and says that Mustang always calls her Riza when they're alone, so he jumps away and reveals himself to be Envy. Hawkeye then reveals that she lied, and shoots him. She keeps shooting at him, but Envy gets frustrated and grabs her and bashes her against the ground. When he happily says he'll leave her corpse for Mustang to find, he's suddenly set on fire as Mustang appears. His eyes are noticeably steeled over with cold vengeance. He continues his vicious attack on Envy until Envy's body withers to dust, and his real slug form crawls out and tries to escape.

Mustang steps on and traps him, comments on his ugly appearance, and then prepares to finish him off, but then Hawkeye draws her gun on him and tells him to stop. She says he's done enough and that she'll finish Envy off, but Roy wants to be the only one to kill Envy. The ground beneath Envy suddenly springs up and sends Envy flying into Ed's waiting hand, and Scar is standing behind him. Mustang demands that Ed return Envy to him or else he'll burn his automail arm off along with Envy.

Ed adamantly refuses and tells Mustang to take a good look at his face and ask if that's the face he wants to wear as the future Fuhrer. Scar comments that he doesn't have any right to judge another man's vengeance, but that he knows any country ruled by someone ruled by his own hatred would fall to chaos. Hawkeye also adds that she won't let Mustang give in to vengeance, and she will shoot him if he continues (since he had her promise long ago to shoot him if he ever strayed from his path to better the country), and then she'll end her own life afterwards. After hearing this, Mustang lets his flames loose down a random corridor and lets go, and then he apologizes to everyone.
Envy, watching all of this, mocks them for their human sentiment and tries to turn them on each other by bringing up bad memories and old grudges between each other, believing that humans aren't capable of overcoming their hatred and living together peacefully. Ed suddenly realizes why Envy hates humans so much - he's jealous of them, jealous that his own kind (the Homunculi) don't take care of and support each other the way the supposedly inferior humans do. Angered by Ed's claim, he wriggles out of his hand and falls to the ground. He begins to cry and says he's been utterly humiliated. With a farewell, he reaches inside his body and tears out his philosopher's stone and ends his life. Mustang remarks on Envy's cowardice.
(Man, you're so glad this asshole dies, but at the same time his death is really sad)
Here's his last desperate speech and death if you're curious...

Back in Central Command, Alex continues to fight Sloth. More soldiers appear, and Olivier takes command and helps them fight the Mannequin Soldiers. When Alex is pinned by Sloth and takes a beating, he changing position enough so Sloth's punches pop his shoulder back into place and begins fighting back and inflicting a lot of damage.
Meanwhile, the Briggs tank damages the gate, and Brigadier General Clemin demands they return fire even though the citizens in that area haven't fully evacuated. However, an explosion shakes the room, and Captain Buccaneer and his men burst in. It's revealed they made use of Falman's fantastic memory of the Central Command layout and used a tunnel dug single-handedly by Izumi Curtis.
Back underground, Hohenheim has reached Father and shows disappointment in him, but Father just replies that Hohenheim will now become a part of him.

Episode 55 continues with Ed's group trying to catch up to the others. Ed and Mustang are arguing and Hawkeye takes the time to thank a surprised Scar.
Above ground, the Briggs tank stops firing and a message is spoken from the loudspeakers that the Briggs soldiers have taken control of Central Command. General Clemin realizes that the tank was a diversion so Izumi could dig underground with the Briggs soldiers and reach Central Command without them noticing. Olivier, learning of the new situation, patches in to Captain Buccaneer and warns him about the Mannequin Soldiers. She answers a Central soldier's question that the Mannequin Soldiers are the immortal legion given human souls and no fear of death, which horrifies the soldiers. Sloth is able to regenerate again and knocks Alex and Olivier away. The soldiers notice one of Sloths chains and distract him with it until Sloth breaks free and charges, only to have a giant transmuted hand burst out and beat Sloth down. It's revealed to be Izumi and her husband Sig, sent by Buccaneer to help them, and help they do...

Sig and Alex glance at each other, and then comically flex their huge muscles and grasp each others' hands in respect.

When Sloth charges again, Sig and Alex attack him and throw him into the ceiling only for him to land on one of Alex's transmuted spikes. Sloth's body begins dissolving because of his used up philosopher's stone, and he eventually dies.
Olivier thanks Izumi and her husband for their help, and her and Alex suspect that the Elrics and everyone else are close by underground and want to help despite their injuries. Izumi tells them that she'll have to flee soon since she's one of the chosen sacrifices.
Meanwhile, Hohenheim is confronting Father. Hohenheim says Father isn't any fun anymore since he's changed. He asks why Father has cut his seven deadly sins away from him since they're still fundamental to understanding humanity, but Father attacks him with Alchemy. He asks Father why he had his Homunculi call him Father and states that back in the flask he had hated the idea of family when in reality he actually wanted one of his own. Father responds by impaling Hohenheim in the gut with his arm, telling Hohenheim that he wants to use the giant transmutation circle to become a perfect human being and that he plans to absorb Hohenheim's philosopher's stone. That plan fails, however.
In Central, the jeep with Al's group is caught in a drainhole. While they're trying to fix it, a mysterious figure passes by.
In Central Command, Buccaneer saves female soldiers from the Mannequin Soldiers. The Armstrong siblings and Izumi take out Mannequins in their area and spot General Edison being attacked. Izumi saves him, but when he asks her to join his side, she punches him in the gut and demands he answer her questions.
Olivier and Alex arrive in Bradley's office and are interrupted by a call telling them that Buccaneer's men have secured the main gate. More reports come in that 9/10's of Central Command is under their control. Just when they're about to celebrate, a voice cuts into the radio saying that things have gone awry while he was away. Olivier realizes with dread that Bradley did indeed survive and had returned. He was the mysterious figure that passed by Al's group earlier. Bradley sends out a command that all of Central's remaining forces with join him and take care of the rebels. Falman quickly sees that Bradley is coming towards them from the main gate.

Episodes 56-60

Episode 56 starts with a flashback to when Hohenheim is traveling through the desert, desperately mumbling about wanting to talk and tell someone they're not alone before he collapses. A group of traveling men that turn out to be Xing merchants rescue him and give him some water. Hohenheim keeps mumbling about Xerxes, apologizing that he couldn't stop "him", and apologizes to someone named Sergence.

Back in the present, Hohenheim brings up Sergence as a carpenter from Xerxes and one of the many souls of Xerxes that are now invading Father's body with the intent of working together to defeat him. Father can't believe it, and Hohenheim says that he had trouble talking to them at first, but over time he was able to converse with all 536, 329 souls inside of him, right before the souls in Father's body create a spike through his head. They intend to destroy his vessel with the hope that his vulnerable form will turn to dust.
However, to Hohenheim's surprise, Father simply absorbs the spike and easily gets rid of his vessel, and new blob-like form shaped like a human with eyes and teeth that resemble the form in the flask is revealed. He tells Hohenheim that he had also evolved over the years and then creates a giant eye in the ceiling.

Above ground, Bradley heads for the entrance and charges the Briggs tank, killing soldiers in the way and tossing a grenade inside the tank to destroy it. He gets into the courtyard and faces off against Buccaneer and his men. He easily destroys Buccaneer's automail arm and cuts him down. He orders Falman to open the gate, but Falman tearfuly refuses by apologizing aloud to Mustang that he looks like he might die sooner than expected.

Suddenly, a new person enters, turning out to be Greed.

At the radio station, the radio manager tells Mrs. Bradley of her husband's return. Breda, having heard that Bradley is taking out Briggs soldiers, regretfully tells Ross that they'll have to pin the blame on Briggs to protect Mustang before going over to the mic and saying that it's fortunate that Bradley is alive and that Olivier Armstrong is probably the leader of this uprising.
Greed talks with Wrath and says that he wants to kill Bradley like everyone else. When he's asked how he survived the train, Bradley reveals he used his Ultimate Eye to calculate what debris to jump onto to get out safely during the fall. Ling briefly cuts in to greet Falman and says that he hates Bradley too (for what he did to Lan Fan and for the kind of ruler he is). Bradley removes his eye patch and attacks. While they're fighting, Buccaneer attacks, but Bradley stabs him through the gut and badly injures him. Buccaneer says that he'd done this to make Bradley unable to use his sword, and Greed gratefully charges him, but then Bradley takes two knives from a fallen Briggs soldier and counters.
Falman orders Buccaneer to be taken somewhere safe and for machine guns to be moved to the main gate to prevent Central soldiers from getting in. When the soldiers try to figure out what to do, Mannequin Soldiers attack some of them, and then Fu arrives with colored smoke bombs. Fu dodges the firing and attacks Bradley and damages his knives. Greed thanks him, though Fu says he's just protecting Ling. Fu learns that the man they're fighting is Bradley, and then becomes angry at finally seeing the person who made his granddaughter Lan Fan lose her arm.

Episode 57 briefly begins with Lan Fan navigating the underground tunnels and overhearing that Bradley has returned. Olivier and Izumi force General Edison to confirm that they planned to sacrifice everyone in Amestris. Edison tries sway the Central soldiers back to his side that they intend to create a united world without war, but then Izumi slaps him and asks the soldiers what they want to do now. Olivier tells them that continuing to follow a superior that they don't have faith in is just self-deception, and Izumi agrees that they need to think for themselves. After thinking, the soldiers meaningfully remove the rank insignias from their uniforms. Izumi notes that a stairway going downstairs is the only way out right now, and that she'll make her escape as they go down.
As Ed's group enters a new room close to where Father is, they come across the Gold-Toothed Doctor that had created Bradley. He's surprised Mustang is there but claims it has saved him the trouble. He then summons zombie soldiers that are revealed to be failed Fuhrer candidates. As they fight the zombie soldiers, the doctor draws a transmutation on the floor.

Back above ground, Fu and Greed/Ling are battling Bradley, and Falman uses the machine guns in the hallway to keep Central soldiers from coming up. Buccaneer wakes up and realizes that he'll bleed out if he removes Bradley's sword right now. Bradley uses one of the knives to pin down Greed's coat, and then attacks Fu and forces them to switch weapons. Now he has Fu's sword. He manages to catch Fu's forehead and make it bleed, before knocking off his body armor and striking his chest. Ling takes control to save Fu in time. Fu tells Ling that he's as good as dead, especially after noting that his chest wound is worse than he thought. When Ling refuses to give up on him, he knocks Ling down and orders Greed to protect and restrain Ling and he charges Bradley. When Fu's attempt at suicide bombing Bradley fails, Buccaneer appears from behind and stabs through Fu and deep into Bradley, taking advantage of the fact that Bradley couldn't see him. Giving Bradley a severe wound, Buccaneer tells Fu that they can take Bradley to hell with them, and Fu thanks him as he passes away.

As Bradley manages to kick them away, Greed angrily attacks, destroys Fu's sword, and ruins Bradley's Ultimate Eye. Up above, Lan Fan has arrived and cries out when she sees her grandfather die.
Back with Ed's group, they're still fighting the zombie soldiers.
In the stairwell, Izumi explains The Gate to Olivier and what happened to her, and she asks Olivier if there was anyone that she wanted to see again. Olivier tells her she doesn't focus on the dead, only on protecting the living.

The doctor finishes the circle, and he summons some of the zombie soldiers and activates the circle that is connected to all five laboratories so as to make a big transmutation circle around Central. Just as Izumi is about to make her escape, the transmutation circle sacrifices the nearby zombie soldiers, and Isumi, Ed, and Al (the sacrifices) are transported away.

In Episode 58, Ed's group watch helplessly as Ed is transported away, and the doctor tells Mustang that he'll be joining them soon as the fifth sacrifice. Ed, being dragged through the portal by the shadowy little hands, recognizes where he is as similar to The Gate.
Greed is still fighting Bradley, and Lan Fan has reached her father. Bradley knocks them both off the ledge, with Greed grabbing the edge to avoid falling far down into the water, and Bradley holding onto Greed. The ledge is about to give away, when Lan Fan grabs his arm. Greed sees her automail arm bleeding and tells her to let go and go help Fu, but she responds quietly that it's too late as one of her tears hits his cheek. Some of the Briggs soldiers manage to shoot Bradley in the shoulder and make him let go and fall into the moat below him. Ling takes control and grieves over Fu, sad that even though he's obtained immortality he still can't save the life of someone he cares about.

Buccaneer wakes up, and Ling thanks him for dealing Bradley a mortal blow so Fu's sacrifice wasn't in vain. Buccaneer asks Ling to protect the main gate for him, and Ling promises he will as Greed gives Ling some of his Ultimate Shield. He leaves Lan Fan to help and goes down by an elevator and then attacks more troops outside the main gate. Buccaneer comment that he's happy and can die in peace, and he gives a final salute before dying.

Underground, Sig is panicking and wondering where his wife Izumi is. Olivier learns from Alex that this has to do with opening The Gate. Olivier then learns from some of her soldiers that some of her men and Buccaneer have died protecting the main gate, but Buccaneer was able to deal Bradley a mortal blow. They say the gate is still be defended with the help of Greed, and they tell her that Buccaneer died with a smile on his face. With a clenched fist, she says they'll continue on and help Sig find Izumi.
Meanwhile, Ed and Izumi drop down into a mysterious room, right before Al drops down into it. Father then steps out with Hohenheim trapped partially inside his body. Ed doesn't recognize Father in this form until Hohenheim confirms it really is Father before being completely sucked into his body. Ed prepares to fight and discovers that Al isn't waking up.
Mustang's group are forced to continue fighting the remaining zombie soldiers. Mustang's gloves get slashed and he gets pinned down as Hawkeye gets pinned down. Scar is held at swordpoint. The doctor tells Mustang to perform human transmutation, making Mustang realize he's one of the intended sacrifices. Mustang refuses, so the doctor has one of the zombie soldiers fatally wound Hawkeye and says he'll use his medical alchemy and his philosopher's stone to heal her if he performs the transmutation. Hawkeye tells him not to, but Mustang is uncertain.

Episode 59 continues with Mustang seeming to accept, but then he decides not to perform the transmutation because he knows Hawkeye and the others would never forgive him, much to the doctor's surprise. Mustang remarks on the doctor's overconfidence before the doctor suddenly disappears. It revealed that he was caught in Jerso's saliva and is now trapped and dangling from the pipes in the ceiling. May and Zampano drop down into the room and attack the soldiers, allowing Scar and Mustang to break free. May tries to get the jar of liquid philosopher's stone that the doctor has dropped while Mustang goes over to Hawkeye. Darius also arrives to fight. May notices Mustang and the injured Hawkeye and hesitates before giving up briefly on the jar and running over to heal Hawkeye with her alkahestry enough until Hawkeye can get to a doctor.

Before May can pick up the jar, Bradley appears and gets it. He had swam into the underground tunnels through the sewer. May senses Father, and then Jerso is injured by something and knocked to the ground. The attacker is revealed to be Pride.
Mustang faces Bradley, but Bradley evades him and then pins him down, stabbing two swords through both of Mustang's hands. The doctor thanks Bradley for his help, only to be quickly after stabbed by Pride's shadows and absorbed. Pride uses his shadows to create a transmutation circle around Bradley and Mustang, using the doctor's body as the circle's sacrifice. Mustang is forced into the human transmutation. They use the knowledge of the dead doctor that Pride has now gained to force open The Gate and send Mustang there. They carry out the procedure, and Mustang disappears.

Bradley challenges the rest of the group, and Scar steps up to fight him.
After a brief showing of Mustang meeting Truth, Mustang drops into the room with Ed and the others, and Pride appears. Father says that everything is almost ready except Al's soul is not back yet. Ed and Izumi check on Mustang, who is unconscious. After he wakes up and tells them he's seen The Gate, he remarks on only being able to see blackness, and you notice his eyes look strange. Ed realizes with horror that Mustang has lost his eyesight.

Pride reveals that they had to force him to open The Gate, and Father comments on the cruel irony of the things they lost for performing human transmutation though Ed argues with him.
Back above, Scar and Bradley engage in fighting. Bradley asks what Scar's real name is, but Scar says he had none since he got rid of it long ago, and Bradley comments that he doesn't know his original name either and finds it amusing that two nameless men are trying to kill each other.
As they fight, May breaks into Father's room. Al is then shown in front of his Gate, talking to his emaciated body. He sadly realizes that if he takes his human body back now he won't be fit to help everyone else fight. Al promises to come back for his body and goes back through The Gate.

He wakes up, and Father is happy to have all five of his sacrifices present.

In Episode 60, Ed knows that they're all gathered here now, but he won't let the Homunculi do as they please. Father scoffs and tell them they're trapped. May announces that she'll be Father's opponent, leaving Pride to Ed and Al while Izumi looks after Mustang. Ed remembers that he had noticed a little before that Pride's face was crumbling slightly and guesses that forcing Mustang through The Gate weakened him. Ed and Al begin attacking as Pride goes on the defensive. May tries to strike Father, but Hohenheim is able to break his face free long enough to warn her, but it's too late as May is injured by a transmutation the second she touches Father's form.
Around Central, Ishvalans that came with Scar, hurry to specific spots around Central City and put down tarps with the Alkahestric Reverse National Transmutation Circle that Scar's brother had made.
Scar continues to fight Bradley, but Bradley keeps an upper hand and wounds Scar is several places. Scar manages to break one of Bradley's swords, but then Bradley is able to immobilize Scar's deconstruction arm and prepares to kill him. Suddenly, Scar touches his left arm to the floor and creates large spikes that deflect Bradley's attack and injure him. Scar reveals that he decided on his best course of action months ago and shows that he now has his brother's reconstructive array tattooed onto his left arm.

Ed lets Al go to help May, and he shields her from one of Father's attacks. Ed gains the upper hand over Pride and headbutts Pride hard enough to break off a chunk of Pride's deteriorating face.

Knowing that the time has come, he captures all the sacrifices in his tendrils and pins them down in a circle around him.

Up above, the remaining generals notices that the eclipse is almost ready and panics since they're going to die because they're not in the middle of the giant circle. The eclipse begins and cast Amestris in darkness. Father asks the group if they ever thought of Earth as a giant life form capable of amassing knowledge on a much greater scale than humans. He says that if someone could open The Gate belonging to that kind of life form, that someone could gain unimaginable power. He wants that power for himself.
Greed suddenly leaps from the shadows and attacks Father, saying he wants that power for himself. However, Father says he was expecting Greed and slithers over to his throne, dragging Ed and the others with him into a new circle. He reveals that the true center has always been right here and thrusts his hand down, and activates the nationwide circle. The eye of The Gate appears on each of the sacrifices, and a black film rises and engulfs all of Central Command and around it. Out of each sacrifice's Gate (the eye), little shadowy hands reach out and create a large surge of alchemical energy that activates the circle made up from the five labs around Central and then races around Amestris's circle. Everyone in Amestris collapses as their souls are forcibly pulled from their bodies.

 A pair of unbelievably massive doors appear above Amestris and open out toward the eclipse. Father, his body now grown to titanic size, emerges from within and calls out to the circle created by the sun's corona around the moon. A pair of Gate doors appear and open in front of the eclipse. The Gate of "Heaven" sends tendrils toward the Gate of Amestris. Father grabs them and says he'll drag God down to Earth and make it part of him. A giant bright light breaks out over the planet's surface.

Episodes 61-64 (Epic Ending Climax is Epic!)

Episode 61 starts with a brief flashback of a young Ed and Al looking at a text in their father's study. It says that the sun represents masculinity and the moon represents femininity, and when combined they can create a perfect being, or god.
Present day, Amestris is completely silent, with bodies everywhere. Ed and the others wake up, and Father greets them on the throne in his new body, which looks like an older and more muscular Ed. He claims that he has absorbed God. Ed doesn't believe him, Hohenheim explains that with a large enough energy source it's theoretically possible. May asks how many people have been sacrificed for energy, and Mustang says that Amestris's population is about fifty million people. Ed tries to attack him, but Father easily closes off alchemy again and then conjures a miniature sun in his palm to take out his opponents.

He then feels that something is wrong, and Hohenheim reveals that he created a countermeasure that went into effect as soon as Father absorbed God. He says he sent out souls from his body into the ground at distinct locations. He created a nationwide circle that would activate on its own. The circular shadow of the moon shifts across Earth's surface, and the five locations that Hohenheim had traveled to burn with the deposited souls, and the giant transmutation circle is activated. The full power of the circle rips the souls of the people of Amestris from Father, and the souls all return to their correct bodies. Father has lost the strength and energy to keep God contained within him.

Furious, Father attacks them with alchemy, and May transmutes a barrier that Hohenheim helps to block despite lacking enough power to keep it up. Ed and Al rush over and back him up.
Above, Scar and Bradley are still fighting, and Bradley is blinded temporarily by the glint of sun on his sword. Scar takes the opportunity and deconstructs both of his arms. Bradley takes his snapped sword in his teeth and stabs Scar before he collapses. Bradley bleeds out on the floor, amused, and Lan Fan appears and approaches him. She asks if he has any last words for his wife, but he says that there is no need for words between and king and his queen. As he dies, he comments on how his life had always been laid out before him, but these last few years had been enjoyable thanks to humans' actions.

After he dies, Lan Fan finds his philosopher's stone, and Scar asks her to help him over to the five-point circle that the doctor had drawn. He places his hands onto it and activates the runes on his arms. The energy flows out to the five points that the Ishvalans have set up around Central and then out around the whole country.

Below, Hohenheim alerts the others to the transmutation, and Ed sees that his alchemy is working again and attacks Father and Pride. Scar explains to Lan Fan that the alchemists in Amestris weren't able to use the full extent of Earth's energy like the alkahestrists because of a layer of philosopher's stone energy spread out under the entire country like an inhibitor. His brother discovered this and created an alkahestric counter on top of the nationwide transmutation circle to negate the inhibitor and free Earth's energy for alchemical use.
Below, Ed and the others are trying to make Father use up all of his philosopher stone energy. Father blocks their attacks and breaks through the ceiling for the surface.

Olivier and Alex find Hawkeye and her companions, and they see Father rise past them. Hohenheim realizes he intends to gather more souls above ground, and so they give chase. Ed, however, is caught by one of Pride's tendrils, so they go on ahead while he deals with Pride. The others encounter the Armstrongs and Hawkeye and everyone else. They leave Mustang with them and continue up.
Back with Ed, Pride thrusts his shadow tendrils into Ed's wounds, wanting to replace his crumbling vessel with someone of Hohenheim's blood. However, things go awry when, from inside Pride, Kimblee appears and speaks out to him, saying that he isn't allowed to take Ed's body. He claims he is interfering because Pride, who always talks about Homunculi honor is abandoning honor to flee from death into the body of a human, which up until now he had considered inferior, and so Kimblee has lost respect for him. Ed breaks free and grabs Pride's head and forces his way into Pride's psyche. Pride fears he is about to die, to which Kimblee responds that he doesn't understand Ed's convictions at all. Pride's body crumbles to dust, and when Ed opens his hand, the tiny, sleeping, embryonic, pure form of Pride is revealed. He leaves the baby nestled in his red cloak, promising to apologize to Mrs. Bradley, as he leaves to help the others and Pride whimpers for his mom.

In Episode 62, everyone arrives to stop Father. In retaliation to Hohenheim stating that Homunculi can only destroy, he produces several people that are the souls of people of Xerxes given physical form through alchemy. Ed catches up to everyone, right before Father releases a massive energy blast that takes out a huge chunk of Central Command.

Alex transmutes a big platform to raise everyone to the surface. Greed tells them the injured need to stay back. Mustang claims he can still use his alchemy to help, but he needs Hawkeye's pinpoint aim.

As the dust clears, May wakes to see that Al had shielded her and had a large part of his armor destroyed. Ed and Izumi wake up to see that Hohenheim shielded them, and his body was scorched.

Hohenheim responds to Ed calling out to him, but then Father appears and knocks him aside. He tries to take Ed and Izumi's souls, but Briggs soldiers arrive and open fire on Father. He isn't affect by their attacks because of his impenetrable alchemical barrier. Mustang then attacks with his Flame Alchemy, with the help of Hawkeye to tell him where to aim.

Everyone continues to attack to try to make Father use up his energy. Greed, watching from afar, comments about how he would love that much god-like power to take over the world, but Ling remarks that his desire isn't for power, but something else. Greed ignores him and joins the fight. Father remains unharmed until Greed rushes out and punches his face. Father thanks Greed for giving him a full philosopher's stone, but Greed uses the opportunity to drain his energy, but then Father overpowers his pull. Ed, Alex, and Izumi rush in to help and attack Father, who is overwhelmed by the attacks until he produces a wave to push them all back and destroy Ed's automail arm. Ed retaliates with a kick, and Hohenheim realizes that Father is getting worn down and can barely hold God inside of him. God's eye rises up and begins to escape from Father, who falls over and releases a big burst of energy that throws everyone back.
He barely manages to keep God inside of him but needs another soul and spots Ed, who is trapped to a pike of broken concrete by a twisted bar impaled into his arm and isn't able to get away. And without a second arm, he can't transmute his way out.

Al becomes panicked but isn't able to reach him because of his damaged body, so he begs May to help him sacrifice his soul to give Ed's other arm back. She sets up the circle with her kunais. Ed sees this and desperately protests, but Al activates the circle.

In front of the Gate, Al talks to his body again and says that he's ready. Al reaches out, and his armored body disintegrates, and his soul is finally reunited with his body. Al is sure that Ed will come for him soon.
In the real world, Ed watches as his automail is gone and replaced by his real arm. For the first time in five years, he claps his hands together to transmute a bunch of earthen battering rams, tears the bar from his arm, and throws them angrily at Father.

Everyone cheers him on. As Greed silently watches, Ling tells him that everyone supporting and celebrating him was what Greed really wanted.

Episode 63 continues with Ed pummeling Father until God tries to escape again, and Father barely manages to keep it in and then desperately lunges for Greed's philosopher's stone. He plunges his arm into Greed. Inside Greed. Ling's consciousness grabs onto Greed's, refusing to let go despite Greed telling him he'll only be pulled in with him. When Ling says he still needs him, Greed agrees to work together with him, only to knock him away once Ling's guard was down, saving Ling and letting himself get sucked into Father. He tells Ling that this lie was the only lie he's ever told and that Ling can still become emperor.

As Father absorbs Greed through his arm, Greed summons Lan Fan over and has her slice off Father's arm. Greed tells Father that he used his armor ability to transform Father's anatomy into the weakest form of carbon (opposite from his Ultimate Shield). Father's whole body begins to crumble, and he tries to stop it by ripping out Greed's soul. Greed's soul is cast into the air, and he sees Ed and Ling and realizes that friends were the one thing he truly wanted and bids them farewell before he departs.

Ed then takes the chance to rush up and punch a hole through Father's body, releasing the rest of the souls from Xerxes. The black shadowy hands of The Gate reach out from the hole and pull him inside until he disappears inside himself, screaming that his only desire was to learn everything without being limited.

He appears before The Gate as the shadowy form he began as in the flask. He wonders why God has rejected him, and Truth appears and replies that it's because he didn't believe in himself and stole from others and chased the idea of God without growing as a person. Father doesn't understand, and the doors open, and he tells Father that among other things he is the one who deals out proper despair to makes sure beings don't become conceited. Hands grab Father as he cries out and doesn't want to go back in there. He begs Truth to tell him what he should have done, but Truth simply tells him that he must have seen the answer before the doors close.
Watch it happen...

In the real world, everyone mourns Al's lifeless armor.

Ling offers Ed the philosopher's stone to use, but Ed refuses since he promised Al he would never use it to get Al's body back. Hohenheim offers his life, saying as their father that he wants them to be happy, but Ed gratefully rejects it. Ed continues to think of a solution, until the answer suddenly dawns on him, and he draws a human transmutation circle. He happily tells them he'll be back, but this will be his final transmutation, and then he activates it.

In front of his own Gate, he tells Truth that he chooses to trade his Gate (and therefore his alchemy), since that would be big and important enough. Truth reminds him that he'll be reduced to a normal human, but Ed says that's all he's ever been and that believing alchemy could solve all of his problems was conceited.

Truth congratulates him on his answer. Ed deconstructs his own Gate, and then is shown Al in front of his own Gate. Ed helps him up, and they exit out Al's Gate together.
In the real world, Al opens his human eyes for the first time in five years, surrounded by his family and friends. May hugs him, and he can feel warmth after so long.

Much later, Ed brings the baby form of Pride to Mrs. Bradley. A message is broadcasted on the radio that the sudden collapse of everyone in Amestris was due to an alchemical experiment by Central Command that was stopped by the shared efforts of Mustang and Olivier Armstrong and their forces. The remaining generals are taken into custody, and it is told that Bradley and Selim lost their lives in the turmoil. Hohenheim stands in front of where Father vanished and thinks sadly about his mistakes, but Alex comes up to him and reminds him that his two sons saved Amestris. Hohenheim thanks him and leaves for Resembool. He arrives and kneels before Trisha's grave. He tells her that his horribly long life was made happy and worth it after meeting her and their sons as his body begins to crack and fade. Later, Pinako visits, sees Hohenheim, and rushes up to him to say hello, but then stops with a sad smile as she sees that he has passed away with a happy expression. (AWWWWW)

Episode 64 is basically an nice Afterward episode that concludes everything. It starts with Mustang being visited in the hospital, and it's shown that he's being tutored by his subordinates about how to answer questions about his plans to re-establish the nation of Ishval in return for their help. The doctor visiting him calls in Marcoh with a philosopher's stone, and Marcoh offers to use the philosopher's stone to give his eyesight back. Mustang agrees but says that they need to heal Havoc's legs first.

At the Armstrong mansion, Olivier and Miles visit a recovering Scar. They say that Mustang asked Miles to head the Ishval reconstruction project, and Miles wants to have Scar help him rebuild the nation and religion. Scar readily agrees. Olivier asks for his real name, but he simply tells her that since he's died twice, she can call him whatever she deems fit.
Ed and Al return to Resembool, and Al has to take a rest since his body is still weak. They think back to Ling and May before they left, and remember that Ling told May that his clan would become the ruling clan of Xing, but he would use his power to protect her clan and the other clans. After that, they all left together. Ed and Al arrive at Winry's house, and when Winry sees them together and finally whole again, she burst into tears and happily hugs them.

Two peaceful years pass, and Ed notes that he misses alchemy while fixing Winry's roof. Al joins him and comments on how they still have a lot to do.
Mrs. Bradley is seen talking to the new Fuhrer Grumman. Their conversation is interrupted by a young Selim, who still has the Homunculus mark on his forehead. Selim is worrying over an injured bird, and Grumman comments on his compassion but reminds Mrs. Bradley that he will need to act if he starts acting strange.

In Central City, Al visits Hughes's wife and daughter and talks about everyone that helped them get this far, and that he and his brother intend to travel and thank everyone by learning and helping in every way they can. Gracia calls this act Equivalent Exchange, paying people back for their help by helping them, but Al says he and Ed have a new way of thinking, where one doesn't simply repay ten for ten but instead takes ten for himself and, in repaying it, adds one from oneself to give that person eleven. He then goes to visit Jerso and Zampano, who are going to travel with him to Xing in the hope that they can find a way to get their normal bodies back. Al tells them he's going east to learn more about alkahestry and that Ed will be traveling west to learn more about alchemy.

In a train station in Resembool, Winry sees Ed off and warns him to take care of his automail leg. The train arrives, and he starts to board, but then he turns to Winry and proposes an Equivalent Exchange between them where he gives her half of his life and she gives him half of hers. She gets irritated at his alchemy-based proposal and offhandedly remarks that she's willing to give her whole life. Ed then laughs at her embarrassment and ability to easily overthrow Equivalent Exchange before embracing her.

On the train, Ed thinks to himself that lessons are pointless if they don't teach pain because gaining something always requires sacrifice, and that people who are able to endure the pain gain a strong, Fullmetal Heart.


The episode ends with credits and a pan of pictures tacked onto the Rockbell-Elric house. Hohenheim's grave beside Trisha's, Scar and Miles working together to rebuild Ishval, Ling has become emperor, Mustang has regained his eyesight, and Al has returned to Amestris with May and Ed had married Winry and had two kids.